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It's a' I'm cawpable o' to haud ohn cursed that foul tyke o' hers." "Hoot, laddie! haud yer tongue." "Ay will I. I'm na gaun to du 't, ye ken. But sic a fine troot 's that the verra ane ye wad hae likit, mem!" "Never ye min' the troot. There's mair whaur that cam frae. What anger't her at ye?"

'Inde for years, an' I feel I can tyke care of anybody after 'im. You leave 'im to me, Mrs. MacDermott, an' I wown't let 'im come to no 'arm!" She leant forward suddenly and whispered to Eleanor. "I do 'ope it's a boy," she said. "Why?" said Eleanor blushing. "Ow, I dunno. Looks better some'ow to 'ave a boy first go off. You can always 'ave a girl afterwards.

The lean arm of Bone Stillman dragged Carl through the window by the slack of his gingham waist. "Lost, heh? Where's t'other one Gertie, was it?" "She's over in the woods." "Poor little tyke! Wait 'll I light my lantern." The swinging lantern made friendly ever-changing circles of light, and Carl no longer feared the dangerous territory of the yard.

As they went down Haverstock Hill towards Chalk Farm, an old man lurched against them. "All the young chaps," he mumbled thickly. "Thash wot sticks in my gizzard! All the young chaps! Gawblimey, why don't they tyke the ole ones!..." "Steady on," Gilbert exclaimed, catching his arm and holding him up. "You'll fall, if you're not careful!" "Don't marrer a damn wherrer I do or not!"

"Perhaps the key to treasure is right over there in that old chest of Manuel's." Then Tyke laughed outright. "I wouldn't bank on finding treasure," Grimshaw advised. "What those old pirates got they spent as they went along. They warn't of the saving kind. 'Easy come, easy go' was their motto." "That's true enough of the majority of them, no doubt," conceded Drew.

'But the Liberals, they'll promise you the earth and give you the whole o' nothin'. There were roars of approval. Liberal stock had sunk rather low in Trafalgar Square. 'Isn't it fun? said Jean. 'Now aren't you glad I brought you? 'Oh, this chap's all right! 'We men 'ave seen it 'appen over and over. But the women can tyke an 'int quicker 'n what we can. They won't stand the nonsense men do.

But I'll tell you what, you fellows: if Jan's in the stable there with Paddy any time when I'm not about, don't you let Sourdough come into our quarters at all." "It'd take a hefty chap to keep Sourdough out, if he meant coming in," said O'Malley. "But I guess we'll do our best eh, boys? I reckon our Jan's a better mascot than the sergeant's tyke."

"Down't mind 'im, 'Enery," said the wife, now weeping audibly. "And down't you tyke on so, Lidjer," said the husband, and they looked as if they were about to embrace. John Storm could stand no more. Going down the court he was thinking with a pang of Glory that she had lived months in the atmosphere of that impostor when somebody touched his arm in the darkness. It was the girl.

She was very droll about them when I went back, for I told her what they wanted. "Well, if SHE can sit I'll tyke to bookkeeping," said my model. "She's very lady-like," I replied, as an innocent form of aggravation. "So much the worse for YOU. That means she can't turn round." "She'll do for the fashionable novels." "Oh yes, she'll DO for them!" my model humorously declared.

'Die for the law! 'You HOPE such a death for your friend, Evan? 'And that do I e'en; would you have me wish him to die on a bundle of wet straw in yon den of his, like a mangy tyke? 'But what becomes of Alice, then? 'Troth, if such an accident were to happen, as her father would not need her help ony langer, I ken nought to hinder me to marry her mysell.