United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

G. O. T. Hennessey Goat Hennessey?" asked the Chief calmly. Fancher blinked at this unexpected line of questioning. A cloud passed over Dark's face, as though the name had triggered something in him that he could not quite remember. "He was a very good friend of mine," answered Dark, "although it seems that something happened between us that I can't quite recollect.

Wade triggered his molecular projector, and a pale beam reached out toward the cliff. Instantly, the cliff leaped ten miles into the air, whining and roaring as it shot up through the atmosphere. Then it started to fall. Heated by its motion through the air, it struck the mountaintop as a mass of red hot rock which shattered into fragments with a terrific roar!

These physical therapies were accompanied by counseling sessions dealing with some severe and long-unresolved problems, response patterns and relationships that triggered her present illness. Fearful of him, Kelly seemed unable to successfully extricate herself from the relationship due to the ongoing contact which revolved over visitation and care of their son. But Kelly had grit!

And, as he moved toward the rear of the store, Mike the Angel casually reached into his coat pocket and triggered the switch of a small but fantastically powerful mechanism that he always carried when he walked the streets of New York at night. He was headed straight into trouble, and he knew it. And he hoped he was ready for it.

In both of these, the United States has a permanent presence and security commitments which would be automatically triggered. We have become increasingly conscious of our growing interests in a third area, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf area. We have vital stakes in other major regions of the world as well.

Tom dug into the ship's repair locker, found the wires and fuses that he needed, and swiftly started to work. It was an ingenious device. The inner airlock door in the orbit-ship was triggered to a fuse. He had left it ajar; the moment it was closed, by anyone intending to board the Scavenger, the fuse would burn, a circuit would open, and the little ship's autopilot would go on active.

"There." Starns obligingly pointed a third time. If there had been anything to see it was gone now. But it did lie in the right direction. For a second or two Hume was uneasy. Things seemed to be working too well; his cynical distrust was triggered by fitting so smoothly. "Might be the sun," he observed. "Reflected from some object you mean, Hunter? But the flash was very bright.

Mental conditions are also triggered by low blood sugar levels, frequently contributing to or causing a cycle of acting out behavior accompanied by destruction of property and interpersonal violence, as well as psychosis and bouts of depression. It is not possible to easily deal with the resulting behavior problems unless the hypoglycemia is controlled.

So the war rockets had to be devised to explode when near anything which reflected their probing radar waves. They had to be designed to be triggered by anything in space. And the loosed landing-rockets plunged among them. They did not detonate all at once. That was mathematically impossible. But no human eye could detect the delay.

When a non-sweet fruit is eaten such as an apple, it should be eaten with some almonds or other nut or seed that slows the absorption of fruit sugar. Hypoglycemics can improve their condition with vitamins and food supplements. See the next chapter. Allergies to foods and environmental irritants are frequently triggered by low blood sugar.