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There is no effective competition for its methods. Alternatives are suppressed. In my version of a better world, if anyone that wanted to could hang out a shingle and offer to diagnose, treat and cure disease, a few quacks would really hurt a few people. But many genuine therapies would appear and the public would be exposed to workable alternatives.

These therapies are accepted because someone else with authority is doing it to them. And, they have been told that it they don't submit they will not ever feel better and probably will die in the near future.

For example, researchers have identified genes that cause Parkinson's Disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer and they are designing precision therapies that will block the harmful effects of these faulty genes for good. Researchers are already using this new technique to target and destroy cells that cause breast cancer.

These physical therapies were accompanied by counseling sessions dealing with some severe and long-unresolved problems, response patterns and relationships that triggered her present illness. Fearful of him, Kelly seemed unable to successfully extricate herself from the relationship due to the ongoing contact which revolved over visitation and care of their son. But Kelly had grit!

One reason vitamin therapies frequently do not work as well as they might is that, having been intimidated by AMA propaganda that has created largely false fears in the public mind about harmful effects of vitamin overdoses, the person may not take enough of the right vitamin.

For example, researchers have identified genes that cause Parkinson's Disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer and they are designing precision therapies that will block the harmful effects of these faulty genes for good. Researchers are already using this new technique to target and destroy cells that cause breast cancer.

By putting pictures in our ads that are filled with subliminal sexual stimulation, by filling our ads with a lot of nonsense about the types of therapies we offer. And last but not least, by relying on your own insecurity and lack of faith in your own natural healing abilities. Located in Beautiful Downtown Tijuana, The Home Of The Stars. Gwidcard accepted."

So the treatment I recommend for cancer in general is the same as the one described for breast cancer cases. Restore the immune function. However, as much as I lack respect for conventional medical cancer therapies, I do think surgery can have a useful place in cancer treatment along with hygienic methods.

But on the positive side, all this liberty would result in countless new therapies being rediscovered and many new uses for existing substances would appear. Fundamentally, this is the issue of liberty. I believe it is better to allow choice and options, to permit the dangers that go with liberty to exist.

The goal of all therapies is to help the patient free himself from whatever emotional problems beset him. This approach, to some readers, may seem an oversimplification of a very complex problem, but I think it's time that we had a simple, workable formula devoid of technical jargon. Too often, complex technical terms and theories have been glibly used to explain away failures.