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The buzzer's whirr triggered his muscles into complete relaxation. Only his heart and lungs worked on at a strong, measured rate. His eyes closed and he was only distantly aware of his handlers catching him as he fell, carrying him to his bench. While they massaged his limp body and cleansed the wound, all of his attention was turned inward.

A sharp stone half buried in the ground changed the pattern of the day. Ross's heel scraped against it, and the resulting pain triggered his rebellion into explosion. He threw himself backward, his bruised heel sliding between the feet of his captor, bringing them both to the ground with himself on top.

"Same here," Rip agreed fervently. His eyes were on his chronometer, and with his free hand he took another air bottle. When the chronometer registered exactly one minute before blast time, he called, "Now!" He triggered the bottle and moved from shadow into glaring sunlight.

The prime interest rate has fallen from the 21 1/2 percent the month before we took office to 7 1/2 percent today. And those rates have triggered the most housing starts in 8 years. The unemployment rate still too high is the lowest in nearly 7 years, and our people have created nearly 13 million new jobs.

"Yessir," Santos replied. "Thank you for the promotion. I hope I live to collect the extra rating." "Same here," Rip agreed fervently. His eyes were on his chronometer, and with his free hand he took another air bottle. When the chronometer registered exactly one minute before blast time, he called, "Now!" He triggered the bottle and moved from shadow into glaring sunlight.

Twice, without being noticed, it swung rapidly towards the red line on its meter face; and then on its third approach the radiation counter swung over the red line and triggered an alarm. From only one source in their environment could they expect that level of X-ray intensity.

There were many documented cases in which a series of innocent circumstances triggered by the broadcast had caused people to completely lose all sense of good judgment to panic. There were some similar reports in our UFO files. But we had many reports in which people reported UFO's and obviously hadn't panicked.

By emphasizing the words, he hoped to impress them on Ames's mind. Tom's tone of voice and the farfetched nature of what he was saying had already triggered the security chief's suspicions. "Where are you calling from?" Ames asked after a tense pause. "Shopton," Tom replied. "I just drove in for a haircut." With a chuckle, he added, "Haven't had one in three months.

"It's funny," she said, "what triggered the final blow up was an editing job I did on an article for the school publication. The writer one of the trustees insisted on capitalizing the word 'bible' in places where it was not appropriate." "Good heavens," Joe said. Alison giggled. "Really. In the light of eternity, what difference does it make?" "I think they lost a good person," Joe said.

"I feel like one," Rick returned with a grin. "Third, the Blue Ghost led Scotty and me on a wild chase that ended up with me dropping into the quarry. The facts are that the ghost somehow triggered the plane alarm. We will not argue whether or not a real ghost could have set off a purely physical, nonspiritual alarm." Barby nodded soberly, but there was a twinkle in her blue eyes.