United States or Caribbean Netherlands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Her mood triggered by the scene, she was thinking of the fragile water domes she had toyed with as a child, all alone in the unused bedroom of her grandmother's house. Christmas. Her mind conjured the room before her: the massive four-posted bed, the mahogany dresser crowned with photographs of aunts and uncles, the lace-curtained and frosting windows.

Others had died before during the Twenties, and death during the last round was in some ways easier than defeat. Breathing deeply, Brion softly spoke the auto-hypnotic phrases that triggered the process. Fatigue fell softly from him, as did all sensations of heat, cold and pain. He could feel with acute sensitivity, hear, and see clearly when he opened his eyes.

Moments later, a red light flashed on the master control panel. Tom's finger stabbed a button. Far out in space, the retarding rockets in the missile's nose were triggered for a brief burst, slowing its high speed. Without this, the missile would hurtle to flaming destruction in the atmosphere. "We've picked it up!" shouted a radarman.

In both of these, the United States has a permanent presence and security commitments which would be automatically triggered. We have become increasingly conscious of our growing interests in a third area, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf area. We have vital stakes in other major regions of the world as well.

Though the man had definitely been in serious pain, Nevan had inflicted no real damage beyond bruises; when the man woke, he'd be able to function normally. Nevan was tempted to clean the man up, put him to bed, and dose him with rapid-heal but that wasn't how one with his cover occupation would act. Instead, he got an injector of energine and triggered it into the businesser's carotid artery.

Outside the room, they could hear shouted orders as more of the Satorian guards were rallied. "They'll try to kill us now!" Arcot said. "Come on, we've got to get out of here!" "Sure," said Morey, "but which way?" "Morey, pull down the wall over that door to block their passage," Arcot ordered. "I'll get the other wall." Arcot pointed his pistol and triggered it.

Rip pulled a tube from his belt, held it overhead, and triggered it. His flight through space speeded up, but he wasn't at all sure they would make it. He turned up his helmet communicator to full power and called, "Koa, can you hear me?" The sergeant major's reply was faint in his helmet. "I hear you weakly. Do you hear me?" "Same way," Rip replied. "Get this, Koa.

He triggered the shield which snapped over them for a windbreak and brought the flitter up into the spreading color of the morning. Beside him Hobart pressed the button of the automatic recorder, and in the seat behind, Soriki had the headset of the com clamped over his ears.

And Topham’s face was sober when he had finished. The gambler brought the top book of the pile down on the bar with a thud. "I don’t like it!" "Jus’ ornery meanness, warn’t it? There’s always a few hombres in any outfit as tries to push when they gits a slug or two under their belts," Nye observed. "True. Only Helms went out of his way this time. And I’d like to know what triggered him into it.

Tom exclaimed with a gulp. "What's keeping me up?" He was floating freely, without the support of any aircraft or even one of his amazing force-ray repelatrons! The discovery triggered off disaster. Like a character in a movie cartoon, now that he knew he had nothing to support him, Tom instantly went plunging downward down, down, straight into the lake! Splash!