United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It it was nothing," he stammered. She must have heard his laugh. "Talking to yourself? I often hear you at it over your sermons and things; sometimes at your dressing, too; I hears you when I'm in here doing up the room. You'd like the lamp lit, I suppose?" She set down the tray. "Not just yet." "Well, it's a bad habit, reading with your meals." "It's not worth while to bring a lamp.

The butler brought in a great tray of appetizers and cordials, and put them softly on a remote table. Dinner was served, and the talk flowed on; they discussed the growth of the city, a new church that Lord was building ten blocks farther out; Rambaud told about some humorous land swindles. It was quite gay. Meanwhile Aileen did her best to become interested in Mrs. Rambaud and Mrs. Addison.

"Kathleen is completely unnerved; come and help me quiet her." At that moment Henry arrived, tray in hand. "I couldn't find the whiskey, sir," he explained, breathless with hurry. "But here's some cognac, sir. Let me pour it out," and he handed a filled liqueur glass to Whitney, who swallowed the stimulant at a gulp. "Shouldn't mind having some of that myself," announced Miss Kiametia.

His audacity took my breath away so completely that I could make no rejoinder, but the Gay Lady came to the rescue. I don't know whether she had seen Azalea's face, but I had. "I have a surprise for to-night," said she, picking up a trayful of china, "and I don't intend anybody shall interfere with it. Nobody is even to mention dinner in my presence." The Skeptic took the tray away from her.

"God bless your Honour!" Dicky could just hear the words. The door opened and Manasseh entered, bearing the coffee on a silver tray. "Manasseh," said his master, "take that guinea and bring me change for it. If you have no silver in the treasury get the landlady to change it for you." Manasseh was affronted. His hand came near to shaking as he poured and handed the coffee.

"In te omnis domus inclinata recumbit." Lord Lilburne, seated before a tray in the drawing-room, was finishing his own solitary dinner, and Dykeman was standing close behind him, nervous and agitated.

Before more could be said on either side, the footman made his appearance with the breakfast tray. He was followed, after an interval, by the butler, a man of the essentially confidential kind, with a modulated voice, a courtly manner, and a bulbous nose. Anybody but Allan would have seen in his face that he had come into the room having a special communication to make to his master.

I remembered her tripping briskly about the dining-room on her high heels, carrying a big tray full of dishes, glancing rather pertly at the spruce traveling men, and contemptuously at the scrubby oneswho were so afraid of her that they did n’t dare to ask for two kinds of pie. Now it occurred to me that perhaps the sailors, too, might be afraid of Tiny.

You might ring for him now, and let him take the tray." The camp-marshal used his voice for a bell, and the jailer came. "Unfortunately," said Hal, "when your people were searching me, night before last, they dropped my purse, so I have no tip for the waiter." The "waiter" glared at Hal as if he would like to bite him; but the camp-marshal grinned. "Clear out, Gus, and shut the door," said he.

What a power things have if they are connected in our hearts with people. It's it's awful." A clock chimed faintly. "I must go." He got up and stood for a moment looking down at the dear head loved so much, at her brow. "I don't know why it is," he said, "but this evening I hate leaving you." "But it's only for a little while." There was a tap at the door. "Ah! here's my tray."