United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You flatter yourself," he retorted. "You'd not be known. Old Jumel will give you the pick of the larder for a kiss," he roared in my sullen face, and added, relenting: "Well, then, I will send one of the lackeys up with a salver. The lazy beggars have naught else to do." I bolted the door after him, and when the man brought my tray, bade him set it down outside.

Emma had her dinner served in her bedroom on a tray by the fireside; she was a long time over it; everything was well with her. "How good I was!" she said to herself, thinking of the scarves. She heard some steps on the stairs. It was Léon. She got up and took from the chest of drawers the first of a pile of dusters to be hemmed. When he came in she seemed very busy.

A waiter came in answer to the bell, and Marcello ordered something, and then sat down. Regina went to her room and did not return until the servant had come back and was gone again, leaving a tray on the table. "What is the matter?" asked Marcello in surprise, as he caught sight of her face. She sat down at a little distance, her eyes fixed on him.

She tapped a tiny silver bell, and the pretty maid in her striped gown and kerchief appeared with a tray on which were little sandwiches cut in fancy shapes, and filled with chicken, others filled with lettuce, and yet others with chopped nuts. Gyp did not dream that nuts were ever served thus.

Here Wells returned with strawberries and cakes and lemonade on a tray, and everybody ate and enjoyed. 'Now, Wells, said the lady, 'run off or you'll be late and not meet your Daddy. Wells kissed her, waved to the others, and went. 'Look here, said Anthea suddenly, 'would you like to come to OUR country, and see what it's like? It wouldn't take you a minute. The lady laughed.

I hope I shall never have to look another bean in the face! But that coffee! I never smelled anything so delicious." "Had some last night," commented Angelique, shortly. She perceived that this stranger was in some way obnoxious to her beloved master, and she resented the surprise with which he had seen her take her own place behind the tray.

Hearty laughter, and then the whole house filed past them and shook hands. "But how did it impress you?" Herbert asked, as soon as they were back in their own part. Agnes had provided them with a tray of food: the meals were still anyhow, and she had to fly at once to see after the boys. "I liked the look of them." "I meant rather, how did the house impress you as a house?"

The morning went on like an ugly dream. At nine o'clock Rachael sent down an untouched breakfast tray. Mary took the boys out into the struggling sunshine. The house was still. Rachael lay on her wide couch, staring wretchedly into space. Her head ached. The moonfaced clock struck a slow ten, the hall clock downstairs following it with a brisk silver chime.

He threw himself into Sanders's big arm-chair drawn up in front of the stove, and leaned his head on his thin, white hand. Trooper Hurley, Sanders's striker, acting under his usual instructions, presently reappeared with a decanter of whiskey, glasses, sugar, and spoon on a tray.

The man has worried you. Why not have come to me? 'Oblige me, my lord, by restoring me my box. 'This is your box. Her bosom lifted with the words Oh, no! unspoken. He took the key and opened the box. A dazzling tray of stones was revealed; underneath it the constellations in cases, very heavens for the worldly Eve; and he doubted that Eve could have gone completely out of her.