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You have heard of the fame of the Levellers, the discontented mutineers in Cromwell's army, the followers of John Lilburne, who for a brief space threatened the existence of the Parliamentary regime. Cromwell dealt with them with an iron hand.

When Lilburne in February sent to ask the Governor of Havana whether the plunderers had acted under his orders, the Spaniard not only acknowledged it but threatened further hostilities against the English settlement.

As Lord Lilburne for it was he thus whispered his nephew, Gawtrey strode up to him; and, glaring full in his face, said in a deep and hollow tone, "There is a hell, my lord, I go to drink to our meeting!" Thus saying, he took off his hat with a ceremonious mockery, and disappeared within the adjoining restaurant, kept by Vefour.

Philip bowed and retreated to the door, followed obsequiously by his uncle. It chanced that both Lord Lilburne and Mr. Blackwell were of the same mind as to the course advisable for Mr. Beaufort now to pursue.

Lilburne was one who liked the study of character, especially the character of men wrestling against the world. Wholly free from every species of ambition, he seemed to reconcile himself to his apathy by examining into the disquietude, the mortification, the heart's wear and tear, which are the lot of the ambitious.

Beaufort;" and the affectionate parents went out arm in arm. They did not perceive that Vaudemont had been standing close behind them; but Camilla, now looking up with tears in her eyes, again caught his gaze: he had heard all. "And they ill-treat her," he muttered: "that divides her from them! she will be left here I shall see her again." As he turned to depart, Lilburne beckoned to him.

WILSON. Isle of Palms. "O fairy child! What can I wish for thee?" Ibid. Vaudemont remained six days in London without going to H , and on each of those days he paid a visit to Lord Lilburne. On the seventh day, the invalid being much better, though still unable to leave his room, Camilla returned to Berkeley Square. On the same day, Vaudemont went once more to see Simon and poor Fanny.

"Wait till they are gone: I have one word yet with you. Go on, gentlemen." The clergyman bowed, and walked through the churchyard. But Lilburne, pausing and surveying Philip Beaufort, said to him, whisperingly, "And so much for feeling the folly! So much for generosity the delusion! Happy man!" "I am thoroughly happy, Lord Lilburne." "Are you?

They returned to France through Switzerland a country too poor for gamesters; and ever since the interview with Lilburne, a great change had come over Gawtrey's gay spirit: he grew moody and thoughtful, he took no pains to replenish the common stock, he talked much and seriously to his young friend of poor Fanny, and owned that he yearned to see her again.

Beaufort had drawn on his gloves and gained the doorway, a thought seemed to strike Lord Lilburne: "By the by," he said, "you understand that when I promised I would try and settle the matter for you, I only meant that I would learn the exact causes you have for alarm on the one hand, or for a compromise with this fellow on the other.