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He went into the playground only one boy, Gilks, was prowling about there, half-mad with toothache, and either unable or unwilling to give him any information. He looked in at Parrett's, no one was there, and even the schoolhouse seemed desolate. The captain returned to his study and waited in anything but a placid frame of mind. He felt utterly humbled and crestfallen.

The boys smeared some of it on the crack and then poured some into a little vial which had contained toothache drops. "Things are so bad in Gerrmany they have to use sal ammoniac for files," said Archer. "If the warr keeps up much longer the poor people'll be usin' witch hazel for screw drivers." "Shhh!" said Tom. It was about all he ever said now.

Pony lent him his handkerchief, and Jim said that he had the toothache, anyway. He showed Pony the tooth, and the fellows saw him and made fun, and they offered to carry him, if his tooth ached so that he could not walk, and then suddenly Jim rushed ahead of the whole crowd.

"For instance, there would be no need to dispense with forks, and let you hold mutton bones with your fingers at dinner, in order to demonstrate fourteenth-century manners, nor to bleed you every time you had a toothache, to test ancient practices of medicine.

They came to one place where there was a boy sick with the toothache, and his mamma had done everything for him that she could think of, even to putting mustard on it, but still that boy's tooth ached.

But I couldn't help thinking I owed a little bit of a duty to William, and I meant doing that, so far as keeping my promise to meet him that afternoon went. So after tea I says, and I do think it is almost the only lie I ever told 'Mother, I says, 'I've got the jumping toothache, and it's that bad I can hardly see to thread my needle.

"No, sir; how could I when she 's gone?" "But you did see, last night, that she seemed to be suffering with toothache?" "Yes, sir." "Very well; now tell me how and when you first became acquainted with the fact of Mr. Leavenworth's death."

You are eating next to nothing, and that's your fourth large glass of champagne you who never drank more than two. Don't you remember how it used to vex my poor dad, because he said that it always meant half a bottle wasted, and a temptation to the cook?" Morris laughed he was able to laugh by now and replied, as it happened, with perfect truth, that he had an awful toothache.

And the Cacique would inquire of every one who had a toothache or any such matter, in such a way as to make them think of it in connection with the Shaman. In every village," the Corn Woman interrupted herself to say, "there is evil enough, if laid at the door of one person, to get her burned for a witch!" "Was she?" Dorcas Jane squirmed with anxiety.

There was also an atrocious colored print labelledMillard Fillmore,” which, if it at all resembled that venerated gentleman, must have been taken when he had the measles, complicated with the mumps and toothache, and was attired in a sky-blue coat, a red cravat, yellow vest, and butternut-colored pantaloons. The room was neatly furnished with carpet, table, chairs, cheap mirror, and a lounge.