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When I was yet of trivial age, and suffering occasionally, as many children do, from what one of my Cambridgeport schoolmates used to call the "ager," meaning thereby toothache or face-ache, I used to get relief from a certain plaster which never went by any other name in the family than "Dr. Oliver." Dr. James Oliver was my great-great-grandfather, graduated in 1680, and died in 1703.

He followed laughing, admonishing her against another thorn. But she deigned no answer. Coming to the bee-hives, she stopped a moment to watch the busy swarm, and Dick stole up beside her. She turned pettishly, and he said, insinuatingly: "Toothache?" "You know, Dick, you're too trying for anything holding my foot there like a ninny in the hot sun. You haven't a thimbleful of sense."

"Yes, rather," said Julia, and her kind-hearted sister arose and found her way in the dark downstairs to her mother’s room. "What in thunder’s come now?" called out Mr. Middleton. "’Pears like somebody’s been tousing round the house all night." "It’s only I, father," said Fanny. "Julia has the toothache, and I am after the camphor bottle." "Oh, it’s you, Sunshine, is it?

From this time toothache, usually followed by the extraction of the guilty member, became almost of yearly recurrence, and his diary reiterates, with verbal variations, "indisposed with an aching tooth, and swelled and inflamed gum," while his ledger contains many items typified by "To Dr. Watson drawing a tooth 5/." By 1789 he was using false teeth, and he lost his last tooth in 1795.

Great was the amusement of our travellers at all this, especially when Ravonino explained about the toothache. "You must know," he said, "that almost all the houses in the central provinces of the island are built with their length running north and south, or nearly so, and the people use the points of the compass in describing the position of things.

She bargained royally, giving love for nothing less than love. The man is rustic, illiterate; he never heard of Aristotle, he would be at a loss to distinguish between a trochee and a Titian, and if you mentioned Boileau to him would probably imagine you were talking of cookery. But he loves her. He would forfeit eternity to save her a toothache.

And the heavier the weight on his heart, the more strongly he felt that somewhere in the world, among some people, there was a pure, honourable, warm, refined life, full of love, affection, gaiety, and serenity. . . . He felt this and was so intensely miserable that one of the passengers, after looking in his face attentively, actually asked: "You have the toothache, I suppose?"

Thus he gradually drifted into the habitual use of morphia, taking it as a panacea for every ill. Had he a toothache, a rheumatic or neuralgic twinge, the drug quieted the pain. Was he despondent from any cause, or annoyed by some untoward event, a small white powder soon brought hopefulness and serenity.

The wound of my leg has much improved, the consequences which I feared have disappeared, and I expect soon my complete convalescence, but the devil has bestowed upon me a toothache, which makes me almost crazy with pain. I shall leave, nevertheless, to begin my campaign. Will you be kind enough to give my regards to your wife and son, and to our old friend, etc., etc.

He was the descendant of generations of men and women who had prayed on all possible occasions that customers might be plentiful and business good that the young cattle might do well, and the hay be got in dry that their children might prosper and they themselves be delivered from rheumatism, or toothache, or indigestion.