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"You said yourself that the old man was kind of a little off, like," Tom answered patiently. "He's got the bug that he's very shrewd and that he can always get the best of the Germans. Do you think I'd take a chance staying there? We took a chance as it was." "Yes, and you'rre going to take a biggerr one if you go chasing all over Gerrmany after that girrl. You won't find herr.

The boys smeared some of it on the crack and then poured some into a little vial which had contained toothache drops. "Things are so bad in Gerrmany they have to use sal ammoniac for files," said Archer. "If the warr keeps up much longer the poor people'll be usin' witch hazel for screw drivers." "Shhh!" said Tom. It was about all he ever said now.

"What's on the east of Alsace, anyway?" "Another parrt of Gerrmany Baden," Archer answered. "I was wondering where this stream goes," Tom said; "let's walk along in it a little way and go up at a different place. They can't track you in the water." "I bet you could," said Archer admiringly. "Let's have a drink and give me a couple of those chicory roots, and I'll show you something," Tom said.

This is the only thing about Gerrmany that's on the level, hey?" Toward evening they had the lesser of the two surprises which were in store for them in the Black Forest. They were hiking along when suddenly Tom paused and listened intently. "What is it?" Archer asked. "A bird," said Tom, "but I never heard a bird make a noise like that before." "He's chirrping in Gerrman," suggested Archer.

I'm thinkin' he wint ter Germany, mebbe." "How could he get there?" Tom asked. "Wouldn't thim Dutch skippers in Noo Yorrk Harrbor help him out?" Pete shouted. "Gerrmany, Holland 'tis all th' same. Thar's ways uv gittin' thar, you kin thrust the Germans. They're comin' and goin' back all the toime." "What do you suppose they suspected him of?" Tom asked, his astonishment still possessing him.

And all of a sudden I thought how you walked back toward the house with herr that night and and do you think I don't understand you darrned big chump?" "Do you know what I think?" said Archer. "If Alsace used to belong to France, then the Rhine must have been the boundary between France and Gerrmany and we'rre right on that old frontierr now hey? I'm a smarrt lad, huh?