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Updated: August 22, 2024

This transition in color was considered by the on-lookers as a visible evidence of the pain which it suffered. Picking up an ax Paul quickly dispatched it. In passing the equator the usual tom-foolery of receiving Neptune and baptizing those who had never crossed the line before, was enjoyed with one slight exception.

"Nothing like heroic treatment when you've got a cancer gnawing at your vitals, as surgeons all say," remarked Thad, rather pompously. "I'm aiming at the bull's-eye now, you understand. It's going to win or lose, and no more tom-foolery about it."

Ye were altogether too fresh an' there was no livin' in the parish with ye. This is jist a warnin' to you an' all connected with ye, that the men of Rixton won't stand no more tom-foolery. We're going to take things in our own hands after this, an' we're not goin' to allow you nor ye'r father nor anybody else to treat us like a bunch of damn curs. Isn't that so, boys?"

'Tom-foolery, Sir, is an unpleasant word! cried the little doctor, firing up, for he was a game-cock. 'Tom Toolery he means, interposed Devereux, 'the pleasantest word, on the contrary, in Chapelizod. Pray, allow me to say a word a degree more serious. Mahony, who acted the part of second to Mr.

"Mercy, Jenny! Why, old woman, you don't mean to go with us that figure?" "Och, my dear heart! I've no band-box to kape the cowld from desthroying my illigant bonnets," returned Jenny, laying her hand upon the side of the sleigh. "Go back, Jenny; go back," cried my brother. "For God's sake take all that tom-foolery from off your head.

It is the ball a-rolling on For Tippecanoe and Tyler, too, For Tippecanoe and Tyler, too; And with them we 'll beat little Van; Van, Van is a used up man; And with them we 'll beat little Van. The campaign was an apotheosis of tom-foolery.

The glory of Charles Dickens will always be in his Pickwick, his first, his best, his inimitable triumph. It is true that it is a novel without a plot, without beginning, middle, or end, with much more of caricature than of character, with some extravagant tom-foolery, and plenty of vulgarity.

"Come, auntie," he said impatiently at last, "you know I don't believe in this tom-foolery." She turned to him vehemently. "Don't go whar yo' thinkin' ob gwine, honey," she implored. "Yo'll nebber come back, foh suah foh suah! I see yo' lyin' dar, honey, in de dark valley whar de mists am risin' and I hears a bugle soundin' and de tramp of horses.

"For the Lord's sake, Dan!" he exclaimed, when, he and the captain were alone, "isn't there EVER going to be any let-up to this tom-foolery? Are these women of ours going stark crazy?" Daniel gloomily replied that he didn't know. "You're worse off than I am," continued B. Phelps. "There's two lunatics in your family and only one in mine.

I thought I must look at you. I'm staying just round the corner, and my first thought was 'I wonder how she's getting on in all that tom-foolery. You bet she's keeping her head. And so you are. One can see at a glance." She went up to him, kissed him, and smelt whisky and some scent that had geraniums in it.

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