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She might have thought herself going up again after having only been down for a minute. The attendant of the day before, who was carrying some jugs of tisane along the corridor, winked his eye as he met her, by way of being amiable. "Still the same, then?" said she. "Oh! still the same!" he replied without stopping.

"I could lay a wager they haven't left you any drink. I'll run and make some for you; would you like it? Oh! I'm a good hand at making it. You would see, if I were your nurse, you wouldn't be without anything you wanted." He did not allow himself any more explicit hint. Jeanne somewhat sharply declared she was disgusted with tisane; she was compelled to drink too much of it.

I beheld filthy, evil-smelling, mean streets, ugly houses black with dirt, a general air of uncleanness and of poverty, beggars and carters, old clothes shop and tisane sellers." Honoré quarter by levelling the Hill of St.

"You would not let me touch the child, if you knew it." She stooped and spoke a few sentences in a vehement whisper, and then leaned back, exhausted, against the wall. Lisa drew back. Her lips were white with sudden fright, but she scanned Mrs. Waldeaux's face keenly. "You were in Vannes last night? You tried My God, I remember! The tisane tasted queerly, and I threw it out."

Jeanne had coughed a moment before, but she had some tisane to drink; there would be no ill effects. However, one afternoon old Doctor Bodin, who visited them in the character of a family friend, prolonged his stay, and stealthily, but carefully, examined Jeanne with his little blue eyes. He questioned her as though he were having some fun with her, and on this occasion uttered no warning word.

Almond-milk and vegetable decoctions, impotent to cure or aggravate disease, are prominent remedies in the Spanish pharmacopoeia; minerals are looked upon with awe, and the timid tisane practice of the French school is exaggerated to absurdity.

I have taken the tisane Sister Angela sent up, but my hands are burning and my head aches. The heat in chapel was so great I thought I should have fainted." "Your hands are indeed burning," the sister said, convinced, as soon as she touched them, that the countess was really indisposed. "Yes; and your pulse is beating quicker than I can count. Yes, you have a touch of fever.

If you were ill, a doctor was sent for and he ordered a tisane; if you were merely tired or cold, you waited until dinner-time. We have also made a charming expedition to Quinéville, a small seaside place about an hour and a half's drive, always through the same green country, our Norman posters galloping up all the hills.

Merthyr, you dear Englishman, you shall know everything. Do we not think a tisane a weak washy drink, when we are strong? But we learn, when we lie with our chins up, and our ten toes like stopped organ-pipes as Sandra says we learn then that it means fresh health and activity, and is better than rivers of your fiery wines. You love her, do you not?" The question came with great simplicity.

He would assuredly die of it, and no one would suspect the malady which had carried him off. But it was a relief to him to be able to give vent to his feelings, and he declared violently that he would not take even so much as a glass of tisane. "Take care of myself!" he cried; "what for? Is it not all over with my old carcass?" Ramond insisted, with a good-tempered smile.