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They are rether below the Common Size high cheeks womin Small and homely, and have Swelled legs and thighs, and their knees remarkably large which I ascribe to the method in which they Sit on their hams-go nearly necked wareing only a piece of leather tied about their breast which falls down nearly as low as the waste, a Small roabe about 3 feet Square, and a piece of leather tied about their breach, They have all flat heads in this quarter They are tirty in the extream, both in their person and cooking, ware their hare loose hanging in every direction.

He was a short, barrel-shaped man with curly ringlets, fat, bulging cheeks, heavy double chin and enormous paunch, and he wore a green worsted waistcoat and his fingers were laden with golden rings. "Ah!" said Mr. Tutt complaisantly. "You saw all that exactly as you have described it?" "Yes, sair!" "Where were you born?" "Acre, Syria." "How long have you been in the United States?" "Tirty years."

"You right, master," said Regnar. "We go to-morrow to berg; see great ways from there, if we can get up. 'Nother thing we ought to do move off this floe before next gale, else get house broken, and lose many things." "Pooh!" said Waring, carelessly; "this berg would last a month yet." "I risk this hice, more'n twenty, tirty feet tick. Sea no break this up."

See the fortune now, don't you?" "Perhaps I toes, und maybe I ton't," replied Hanz, relieving his mouth of the pipe. "I shees t' shand, und I shees t' tirty tollars how I know where he comes from, eh?" Hanz began to have his suspicion aroused, and to feel that he had got into queer company.

But we found the treasure exactly where he said it was buried." Hanz shook his head, and looked with an air of surprise at the speaker. "If I tells you where dat gold und dat tirty shilver be's buried, und you goes dar und finds him, ten I be's asleep, und ton't know what I tells you." "Te gen-tle-man," interposed Gusher, going off into a rhapsody of delight, "is very modest.

"Besides, young men are too selfish; they think more of themselves than of us; while you, now, think only of me. I am all your life to you. And I will take nothing more from you. I want to prove to you how disinterested I am." "Vy, I hafe gifen you notink," cried the Baron, enchanted. "I propose to gife you to-morrow tirty tousant francs a year in a Government bond. Dat is mein vedding gift."

"Dat's shust it," replied Mr. Swartz. "Ven I go mit te voman to te jail te jail man search her and find te monish in her pocket, and it vas te same monish as I had stolen off te safe. But te monish vas not all dere; over tirty tollars vas taken out of it, and dat vas vat dis voman sphent, and I " "That's enough, Mr. Swartz," interrupted the Mayor.

Pete had come over from Red Dog's camp with some of his plunder, and had no idea the complainant had forestalled him. Pete spoke English, that is, plains English, but he shrank a little at sight of the tall, grave-faced young officer of whom Red Dog's people spoke with bated breath. "You want how much for these ponies?" asked the lieutenant, as though he had heard the talk. "Tirty dollar."