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In the mean time it was a relief to see the innocent creature hasten to secrete itself in a lime hedge close at hand. Lizards, tarantulas, and chameleons are frequently seen, but are considered to be harmless. One often awakes in the morning to see lizards upon his chamber wall, searching for flies and insects, upon which they feed.

"I think we know pretty well all we have to face the snakes that creep into new chums' boots and sleep under their pillows, the goannas that bite our toes if we aren't watchful, and the mosquitoes that sit on the trees and bark!" "Also the tarantulas that drop from everywhere, especially into food," added Tommy, dimpling.

I slipped back into my sleeping-bag, with a keen consciousness of its nature, and carefully pulled the flap in place, which almost hermetically sealed me up. "Hey! Jones! Wallace! Frank! Jim!" I yelled, from the depths of my safe refuge. Wondering cries gave me glad assurance that they had awakened from their dreams. "The cave's alive with tarantulas!" I cried, trying to hide my unholy glee.

When excited or disturbed, they would curl their tails over their backs, and get over the ground quite rapidly. The tarantulas were just big hairy spiders, of a blackish-gray color, about as big as toads, and mighty ugly-looking things. On June 20th we left Huntersville on the cars and went to Hicks' Station, hereinbefore mentioned, and there went into camp.

"I left you to look for water, and there are not even tarantulas in this accursed place. There is no water, not a drop. Nor a handful of stubble for the horses." "We must go back the way we came, and start once more from the foot of the mountain." "Can you remember from which point we entered this place? This soil might be rock; there is not a hoof-print anywhere."

Otherwise, however, would the tarantulas have it. "Let it be very justice for the world to become full of the storms of our vengeance" thus do they talk to one another. "Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us" thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves.

Memory stamped indelibly every word of that incident; but innate delicacy prevents the repetition of all save the old warrior's concluding remarks: "! ! ! place I was ever in! Tarantulas by the million centipedes, scorpions, bats! Rattlesnakes, too, I'll swear. Look out, Wallace! there, under your blanket!"

The hammered brass era gave way to the opposite extreme of painted velvet. They say it is a difficult art; and it may well be. Mrs. Budlong's first landscape might as well have been painted on the side of her Scotch collie. Her most finished roses had something of the look of shaggy tarantulas that had fallen into a paint pot and emerged in a towering rage.

She could scarcely stand. "I I will sit down," she murmured, and he beat the grasses at the foot of the great granite slab and prodded in chinks and crannies for snakes and tarantulas; and when she sank down with a faint sigh of relief, threw himself at her feet with a careless, powerful grace, and lay there looking up at her, worshipping the golden lights that gleamed through the thick dark eyelashes, and the sweet shadows under them, and her little pointed chin.

"Darling, how can we sleep among tortoises, tarantulas, and serpents?" Even Aileen was at a loss for a reply, though she smiled in spite of herself. "I'll tell you what," she said, cheerfully, "if we must spend the night in the bush we shall get into a tree. That will at least save us from all the venomous creatures as well as dangerous beasts that crawl upon the ground. Can you climb?"