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"The chambers and tunnels connecting these communal houses they look like mud boxes, don't they, Judge? And there isn't a soul in any of them nor a bite to eat! As I was about to remark, the chambers and tunnels and the passages connecting these places are pretty bare and cheerless if we except scorpions, horned toads, centipedes, tarantulas and other equally undesirable occupants.

Among reptiles may be noticed, besides snakes, lizards, and frogs, which are numerous, the following less common species iguanoes, tortoises of two kinds, chameleons, and monitors. Bats also were common in Babylonia Proper, where they grew to a great size. Of insects the most remarkable are scorpions, tarantulas, and locusts.

We are to stay the night in Pokrovskaya. We shall make up a party to see the place. If I were a millionaire I should certainly have a steamer of my own on the Amur. It is a fine, interesting country. I advise Yegor Mihailovitch not to go to Tuapse but here; there are here by the way neither tarantulas nor phalangas.

She nibbled bannock, sparsely margarined, and sipped her sugarless, milkless tea, sitting on a little bushy knoll, warranted free from puff-adders and tarantulas. Saxham answered stiffly: "Many people here seem to be under the same impression." "Don't you share it? Don't you think her sweet?" "I have seen young ladies who were less deserving of the adjective."

The people can never be thankful enough that these visitors differed from Nuu in their lack of regard for the snakes, scorpions, centipedes, tarantulas, and mosquitoes that are so common to tropic lands, for, having neglected to import these afflictions, the islands got on without them until recently. Mosquitoes were taken to Hawaii on an American ship.

He howled, till the tarantulas, who lived between the rafters and the zinc roof, felt the unusual vibration, and looked out with their wicked bright eyes, to see what was going on. Tant Sannie sighed, the Hottentot maid sighed, the Kaffer girl who looked in at the door put her hand over her mouth and said "Mow-wah!" "You must trust in the Lord," said Tant Sannie.

Of forty-three ships fixed, thirty-nine are hit, eleven founder: wreckage so vast and swift, that the Admiral, still afloat in a Queen Mary pierced above-belt, is like a man stung by the tarantulas of distraction: tries to signal flight flags cannot be seen; fires coloured pistol-lights: "Retire!" and soon, all round, the circle is in flight.

Were it otherwise, then would the tarantulas teach otherwise: and they themselves were formerly the best world-maligners and heretic-burners. With these preachers of equality will I not be mixed up and confounded. For thus speaketh justice UNTO ME: "Men are not equal." And neither shall they become so! What would be my love to the Superman, if I spake otherwise?

Marvelous moths which slipped into the bungalow like shadows; pet tarantulas; golden-eyed gongasocka geckos; automatic, house-cleaning ants; opossums large and small; tiny lizards who had tongues in place of eyelids; wasps who had doorsteps and watched the passing from their windows; all these were intimates of my laboratory table, whose riches must be spread elsewhere; but the sounds of the bungalow were common to the whole structure.

When the boys came back they had a dozen of the funny drinking cups. The long crooked handles were so queer that each person tried to get the cup to his or her mouth in a different way. "We stopped at the hydrant and washed the gourds thoroughly," declared Hal, "so you need not expect to find any Mexican diamonds in them." "Or tarantulas," put in Uncle Daniel.