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Updated: August 1, 2024

It behoved Simon, therefore, to overtake the collector before he should be within the enemy's gates. Simon whipped and spurred, and puffed and fretted, but all in vain, for he was mounted upon the horse which, as the reader may remember, fell into the tan-pit.

The price suggested seemed a great deal to Birt, for in this region there is little cash in circulation, barter serving all the ordinary purposes of commerce. As he hesitated, the old man eyed him quizzically. "Afraid of work, eh?" "Naw, sir!" said Birt, sturdily. Ah, if the bark-mill, and the old mule, and the tan-pit, and the wood-pile, and the cornfield might testify!

For the case was this: I came home late last night, not as sober as a judge, and, finding no one up but the girl, I gave her the horse to put into the stable, and she forgot the door after her, which wants a lock; and there being but a scanty feed of oats, owing to the boy's negligence, and no halter to secure the beast, my poor Sir Hyacinth strayed out here, as ill luck would have it, into the tan-pit.

He is cunning enough, but I'm cuter nor he I have him in my power, so I have! and I'll give the shupervizor a scent of the malt in the turf-stack and a hint of the spirits in the tan-pit and it's I that will like to stand by innocent, and see how shrunk O'Blaney's double face will look forenent the shupervizor, when all's found out, and not a word left to say, but to pay ruined hand and foot!

For the love of God, cross the bog in all haste, to help pull out his: horse, that has tumbled into the old tan-pit, there beyond, in the night!" The two brothers immediately followed the boy, carrying with them a rope and a halter, as they guessed that soft Simon would not have either. They found him wringing his hands beside the tan-pit, in which his horse lay smothering.

When he inquires the cause of their coming, let the aga say, ‘ My lord, we are come to congratulate thy son-in- law, who is my beloved child, on his marriage with thy daughter, and to rejoice with him. The magistrate will be furiously enraged, and exclaim, ‘Dog, is it possible that, being a leather- dresser, thou durst marry the daughter of the chief magistrate? Do thou then reply, ‘My lord, my ambition was to be ennobled by your alliance, and as I have married your lordship's daughter, the mean appellation of leather-dresser will soon be forgotten and lost in the glorious title of the son-in-law of your lordship; I shall be promoted under your protection, and purified from the odour of the tan-pit, so that my offspring will smell as sweet as that of a syed."

When he inquires the cause of their coming, let the aga say, 'My lord, we are come to congratulate thy son-in-law, who is my beloved child, on his marriage with thy daughter, and to rejoice with him. The magistrate will be furiously enraged, and exclaim, 'Dog, is it possible that, being a leather-dresser, thou durst marry the daughter of the chief magistrate? Do thou then reply, 'My lord, my ambition was to be ennobled by your alliance, and as I have married your lordship's daughter, the mean appellation of leather-dresser will soon be forgotten and lost in the glorious title of the son-in-law of your lordship; I shall be promoted under your protection, and purified from the odour of the tan-pit, so that my offspring will smell as sweet as that of a syed."

The rest hour was over and Constans's place was at the tan-pit. How was the work to get done if everybody shirked their part of the common task? A message in a bottle. What foolery was this? Nevertheless, Messer Hugolin extended his hand to receive the roll, and, removing the waxed string that bound it, knit his brows over the enclosure half a dozen sheets of writing.

No doubt: still, counshillor, I'm in dread of my life that that great big veshel won't be implied in a hurry. O'Bla. Won't it? but you'll see it will, though; and what's more, them spirits will turn into water for the shupervisor. Pat. Water! how? O'Bla. Asy the ould tan-pit that's at the back of the distillery. Pat. I know what of it? O'Bla.

Now and then he was met by a strong scent, as of burning leather, from the oak-bark which some of the housewives used for fuel, after its essence had been exhausted in the tan-pit, but mostly the air was filled with the odour of burning peat.

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