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It was about daylight then, and I must have snoozed away until near noon, when I heard the order 'fall in! and found the regiment getting into line, and the boys all tallying about going right into Atlanta; that the Rebels had evacuated the City during the night, and that we were going to have a race with the Fifteenth Corps as to which would get into the City first.

He had redeemed his better coat from the pawn-shop before he left, that she had noticed. Here was his old one. What rustled under her hand in the pocket? The paper! "O father!" Yes, it fitted; jagged end to jagged end, letter to letter, and even the part which Esther had considered blank had its tallying mark with the larger piece, its tails of ys and gs.

I am not a believer in a vicarious existence, living by proxy and tallying each minute, each crisis, by something in a book. Nobody could love literature more than I; but I am sure at the same time that, while life may chance to be literature, literature is not life. It can't be. Do I judge him? Not I. It may be he was a great genius who will be immortal as we count immortality.

"He did not let his fall. He set it down on the cloth. He had not drank from it." Clear, perfectly clear tallying with what we had heard from other sources. As this fact forced itself in upon the minds of the jury, new light shone in every eye and each and all waited eagerly for the next question. It came with a quiet, if not insinuating, intonation.

It was at this time that I was approached by Leach. I had just finished tallying the skins of the last boat aboard, when he came to my side, in the darkness, and said in a low tone: "Can you tell me, Mr. Van Weyden, how far we are off the coast, and what the bearings of Yokohama are?"

"But it's great, all the same!" answered Dick, with shining eyes eyes that gleamed amid a face dark with the tan of the western sun and grimy with the dust of the western plains. "Glad you like it!" commented the proprietor of Diamond X as he kept on with his tallying. "How they coming, Slim?" he asked his foreman. "Couldn't be better!

If to any person it should seem that our alarm was disproportioned to the occasion, and not justified at least by anything as yet made known to us, let that person consider the weight due to the two following facts: First, that from the recency of our settlement in this neighborhood, and from the extreme seclusion of my wife's previous life at a vast distance from the metropolis, she had positively no friends on her list of visitors who resided in this great capital; secondly, and far above all beside, let him remember the awful denunciations, so unexpectedly tallying with this alarming and mysterious absence, of the Hungarian prophetess; these had been slighted almost dismissed from our thoughts; but now in sudden reaction they came back upon us with a frightful power to lacerate and to sting the shadowy outline of a spiritual agency, such as that which could at all predict the events, combining in one mysterious effect, with the shadowy outline of those very predictions.

These calls would keep him in about movement enough to give variety to his tallying he moving quietly about the decks, as if he belonged aboard ship and nowhere else. Sophia writes to Hawthorne from Milton: Sunday A. M., May 30, 1841. A sacred retreat you should have, of all men.

But they must be careful... and after a little he sent him into the garden to work while the men compared notes and sent despatches and the story travelled into the world, tallying itself against the face of every rogue.

And a few demands came from various quarters for small disbursements in the way of postage-stamps, telegrams, cab fares, and the like, all which I also carefully entered on the other side of my account. Before I left in the evening I balanced the two sides, and found the cash in my box tallying exactly with the amount that appeared on my sheet.