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Study or action, therefore, which is entirely isolated, must needs be dwarfed and distorted. A man must go occasionally out of his own sphere in order fully to understand those very things with which he is most familiar. A man must study other languages, if he would hope fully to understand his own. A man must study more than languages merely if he would become a perfect linguist.

And so, we got some old warders who'd been there at that time to come to town, and we gave 'em opportunities to see Aylmore and to study him. Of course, he's twenty years older, and he's grown a beard, but they began to recall him, and then one man remembered that if he was the man they thought he'd a certain birth-mark. And he has!" "Does Aylmore know that he's been identified?" asked Spargo.

Hope-Scott 'hardly opened a book, read scarcely at all, though he seemed to know about books. He certainly could not, in the ordinary sense of the word, be called a literary man; but the active part of his life was far too busy for study, unless study had been a passion with him; and towards its close the state of his health made reading impossible. Mr.

These, for what reason I could not imagine, were her favourite and constant study and that in process of time they became my own, should be attributed to the simple but effectual influence of habit and example. In all this, if I err not, my reason had little to do.

This I have endeavoured all my life to do, and have had to deal with many thousands of children who have been to me a book for constant study. From this extensive observation and experience, all my plans have been formed, and my opinions derived.

The looks and manner of the youthful female, at that moment, would have been a study to those who love to dwell on the better and purer beings of creation. She was silent, as we have already remarked, because she could make no answer to a speech that either meant every thing or nothing.

From Cicero on, allegory has a long history as a rhetorical figure a trope. St. Augustine recommends that students of the scriptures study the rhetorical figures so that they may be able to interpret the tropes in the Bible, such as allegory. The result will always be the same whenever the poets are considered theologians and moral teachers. They will be condemned or allegorized.

Bearing in mind the Bethlehem yard labor as an illustration of the application of the study of unit times as the foundation of success in management, the following would seem to him a fair comparison of the older methods with the more modern plan. For each job there is the quickest time in which it can be done by a first-class man.

Always a brilliant scholar, and attaining his successes by leaps and bounds rather than by close and painstaking study, the day came, as it comes to all finely- tempered spirits, when an overpowering weariness or body and soul took possession of him, when the very attainment of knowledge seemed absurd, and all things, both in nature and art, took on a sombre colouring, and the majestic pageant of the world's progress appeared no more than a shadow too vain and futile to be worth while watching as it passed.

They were cultivated in the leisure and retirement of monasteries; otherwise they could not have been cultivated at all: for it was altogether necessary to draw certain men from the general rude and fierce society, and wholly to set a bar between them and the barbarous life of the rest of the world, in order to fit them for study and the cultivation of arts and science.