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When the turnkey, next morning, stepp'd into his room, The sight of the hole in the wall struck him dumb; The sheriff's black bracelets lay strewn on the ground, But the lad that had worn 'em could nowhere be found. Tol-de-rol!" As Jack concluded his ditty, the door flew open with a crash, and Thames sprang through the aperture.

"I don't think I've ever heard any of his; but if you will talk of ballads," said the Counsellor, "give me old Mosey M'Garry's: what's finer than" and here began, with a most nasal twang and dolorous emphasis, to sing "'And I stepp'd up unto her, An' I made a congee And I ax'd her, her pardon For the making so free. "And then the next verse, she says

She hid the letter in her bosom, and stepp'd to the door. On the threshold she turned "Jack forgot to ax: what be all this bloodshed about?" "For Church and King, Joan." "H'm: same knowledge ha' I o' both an' that's naught. But I dearly loves fair play." She was gone.

"All white!" yell'd the conscience-stricken creature "all white, and with the grave-clothes around him. One shoulder was bare, and I saw," he whisper'd, "I saw blue streaks upon it. It was horrible, and I cried aloud. He stepp'd toward me! He came to my very bedside; his small hand almost touch'd my face. I could not bear it, and fled."

I stepp'd from the coach, open'd the gate, and crossing the small court, rang at the house bell. At first there was no answer. I rang again: and now had the satisfaction to hear a light footfall coming. A bolt was pull'd and a girl appear'd holding a candle high in her hand. Quick as thought, I stepped past her into the passage. "Delia!" "Jack!" "Hist! Close the door. Where is Mistress Finch?"

Kingly, forth before their comrades, As the vessel touch'd the shore, Came the stateliest Two, by Hymen Ever hallowed into One. As He strode, the forests trembled To the awe that crowned his brow: As She stepp'd, the ocean dimpled To the ray that left her smile. "Welcome hither, fearless warrior!" Said a voice in which there slept Thunder-sounds to scatter armies, As a north-wind scatters leaves.

I knew not the right key for the wicket: and if I fumbled, the fellow would detect me for certain. I chose one and drew nearer; the fellow look'd, saluted, stepp'd to the wicket, and open'd it himself. "Good night, Colonel!" I did not trust myself to answer: but passed rapidly through to the outer ward.

If there be any skulker among us, blast my eyes if he shan't go down on his marrow bones and taste the liquor we have spilt! Hallo!" he exclaim'd as he spied Charles; "hallo, you chap in the window, come here and take a sup." As he spoke he stepp'd to the open casement, put his brawny hands under the boy's arms, and lifted him into the room bodily.

"I don't think I've ever heard any of his; but if you will talk of ballads," said the Counsellor, "give me old Mosey M'Garry's: what's finer than" and here began, with a most nasal twang and dolorous emphasis, to sing "'And I stepp'd up unto her, An' I made a congee And I ax'd her, her pardon For the making so free. "And then the next verse, she says

A tall figure stepp'd out of the centre of these barouches, paus'd leisurely on the sidewalk, look'd up at the granite walls and looming architecture of the grand old hotel then, after a relieving stretch of arms and legs, turn'd round for over a minute to slowly and good-humoredly scan the appearance of the vast and silent crowds.