United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To this day they are ignorant of the fact that there are but fourteen mouths to feed. In the cool of a balmy January evening, following what had been the hottest day the castaways had experienced since coming to Trigger Island, a group of men and women sat upon the Governor's porch. There was no moon, but the sky was speckled with millions of stars.

Perhaps thou wilt say, righteousness pleaseth God: but I answer no, not thine, with respect to justification from the curse of the law, unless it be as perfect as the justice it is yielded to, and as the law that doth command it. But thine is not such a righteousness: no, thine is speckled, thine is spotted, thine makes thee to look like a speckled bird in his eye-sight. But,

Never again did Arthur idly destroy any living creature of the woods not the humblest weed or flower, bright-winged insect or speckled egg. Nor did he loiter again when sent upon errands. The elves thereafter left him in peace." "Good-bye, dear Phil; I am off now. This is my last story." "Where am I? Has the music stopped? Was it my wind harp my poor little wind harp?"

"Oh!" he exclaimed, and looked after her wonderingly. "Here's yer mornin' paper!" yelled a newsboy. "Mine, did you say?" she asked. "Sure! Chronicle, 'Quirer, R'public 'n' 'Spatch! Wot'll ye 'ave?" "What are they for?" inquired the wax lady, simply. "W'y, ter read, o' course. All the news, you know." She shook her head and glanced at a paper. "It looks all speckled and mixed up," she said.

Asia furnished its quota, and Christian towns and churches on the Bosphorus were remorselessly levelled for the stones in them; wherefore the outer faces of the curtains and towers are yet speckled with marbles in block, capital and column. Thus Mahommed, taking his first step in the war so long a fervid dream, made sure of his base of operations.

Haul him on deck, and he excels the spectrum, passing through inconceivable shades of blues, greens, and yellows, and then, suddenly, turning a ghostly white, in the midst of which are bright blue spots, and you suddenly discover that he is speckled like a trout. Then back from white he goes, through all the range of colours, finally turning to a mother-of-pearl.

It was a time of severe drouth, and the stream was dried up, save here and there a small pool, clear and cold, the bottom of which consisted of smooth and clean-washed stones and pebbles. In one of these was a number of beautiful speckled trout, averaging maybe a quarter of a pound each in weight. Here was a temptation too strong to be resisted.

If any sportsman who may drift out this way, is fond of taking the speckled trout little fellows, weighing from a quarter of a pound down, the same he meets with in the streams of Vermont, in Massachusetts, in Northern Pennsylvania, and. Western New York, let him provide himself with angle-worms, and row to the head of the lake.

Did you ever sit by the camp fire after a day's climb over rocks and treacherous trails, or after whipping the stream up and down for the speckled beauties, and watch the flames climb higher and higher, the sparks flying upward as you throw on the dry pine branches, and listen to the trees overhead, swayed by the gentle breeze, croon their drowsy lullaby?

With a sigh, he dismissed the old man, and turned over the leaves of a volume bound in onager skin which had been glazed by a hydraulic press and speckled with silver clouds. It was held together by fly-leaves of old silk damask whose faint patterns held that charm of faded things celebrated by Mallarme in an exquisite poem.