United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I then said: "Boys, this seems all right to me," and they answered, with almost one voice: "Yes, that's all right. We'll sign that." I was never so proud of the American soldier-boy as at that moment. They all felt that signing that paper was to give them freedom and life. They knew too well from sad experience what the alternative was.

Her driver gathered the reins and I drew back. "Good-bye, New Orleans soldier-boy," she said, gaily, and as I raised my cap she gave herself a fetching air and added, "I'll wager I know your name." "Madam," my cap went higher, my head lower "I never bet."

Away in the distance we heard the sweet and touching words of "Rock me to sleep, mother," sung by some brave but warm-hearted soldier-boy, as he thought of his dear home far away. Would that kind mother ever again fold her darling boy to her warm heart? Mayhap, even the morning's sun might shine on his lifeless form. The vicissitudes of war are great.

His heart was so tender that he would dismount from his horse in a forest to replace in their nest young birds which had fallen by the roadside; he could not sleep at night if he knew that a soldier-boy was under sentence of death; he could not, even at the bidding of duty or policy, refuse the prayer of age or helplessness in distress.

The eyes of the soldier-boy, who had oftentimes tenderly and lovingly gazed upon the war-worn and faded flag floating over the ranks, now saw it not. The troops, in their hurry to obey orders and owing, probably, to the heavy mist that surrounded them, had overlooked or forgotten the colors.

The table that he and Nadine occupied was a ringside one, and in open view of half the room, but that meant nothing. He was under attack and for the nonce surprised, on the defensive. "How'd you like them apples, soldier-boy?" the professional pugilist chuckled nastily. His left flicked forward and Joe barely avoided its connecting with his face.

For with delicate magnanimity he would have Tom be the deliverer of the noble Indian who had perilled his life for Tom. The lad needed no second hint, but sprang away, and severed the thongs that bound his Indian friend to the death-stake. "Ugh! Tom good friend; big soldier-boy," ejaculated the grateful Indian. "Are father and mother safe?" asked Tom. "In cabin there," replied Long Hair.

Ever and anon we alarmed the Turk by nibbling a piece nearer to his sacred city. Never did men live under worse conditions than in those eight months of hell, yet never was an army so cheerful. "Bill-Jim," which is Australia's name for her soldier-boy, always makes the best of things, and soon made himself at home on that inhospitable shore.

ARTILLERYMAN. Heyday! you'll find you're a wiseacre yet. The above Two Yagers. Afterwards Sutler-woman, Soldier-boy, Schoolmaster, Servant-girl. FIRST YAGER. See! see! Here meet we a jovial company! TRUMPETER. Who can these greencoats be, I wonder, That strut so gay and sprucely yonder!

I do not even find anything about the sacred cause of democracy, the resolve of a self-governing people to put an end to feudal rule. Instead I discover a soldier-boy who obeys and keeps silent, and who, in his inmost heart, is in the grip of terrors both of body and soul.