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"Yes, but I didn't reckon ther'd ever be a big price per pound paid for the darned stuff for sofys and cushions and sich." "How do you know he knew it, father?" responded Rosey. "Then why did he look so silly at first, and then put on airs when I joked him about it, eh?" "Perhaps he didn't understand your joking, father. He's a foreigner, and shy and proud, and not like the others.

The rest of the conversation was drowned in my own cries and Uncle Peabody came and lifted me tenderly and carried me up-stairs. He sat down with me on his lap and hushed my cries. Then he said very gently: "Now, Bub, you and me have got to be careful. What-nots and albums and wax flowers and hair-cloth sofys are the most dang'rous critters in St. Lawrence County. They're purty savage.

For an instant I thought to trip him up and rush past him, but he stood on the steps completely blocking the way. "All right, Roger?" he asked. "Yes, sir." "Quite com'table, boy?" "As comfortable as any one could be in such a place," I rejoined lightly. " 'Tain't exactly a parlor," he chuckled. "No easy chairs or sofys; but the food's good. I'm a-going to get it for you now.

"Yes, but I didn't reckon ther'd ever be a big price per pound paid for the darned stuff for sofys and cushions and sich." "How do you know HE knew it, father?" responded Rosey. "Then why did he look so silly at first, and then put on airs when I joked him about it, eh?" "Perhaps he didn't understand your joking, father. He's a foreigner, and shy and proud, and not like the others.

"Well, if she don't mind, I'd like some old linen to wrap around the burns. You see, I am scalted pretty bad and it'll be a while 'fore I kin get to work again. But, of course, the children are right handy, an' ef we jest have a stove an' a bed we can scratch along somehow. Ella, she's more hifalutin. She'd like red plush sofys and lace curtings. But I say, 'Land, child!

They seemed to rank with "sofys," albums and what-nots in their capacity for making trouble. Uncle Peabody rarely made any answer, and for a time thereafter Aunt Deel acted as if she were about done with him. She would go around with a stern face as if unaware of his presence, and I had to keep out of her way. In fact I dreaded the butternut trousers almost as much as she did.

They 's a depth an' a ca'm to the feelin' of it, 't them 't sets on fringe an' damarsk sofys don't know nothin' abeout." "You must have required a great deal of oil in sawing up the old log, captain," I said. The captain gave the restful sigh of battles overpast. "Mebbe you think 't the drippin's o' one skunk did it," said he; "but they didn't.

The special brand of craziness in Wellmouth that season was collecting "antiques," the same being busted chairs and invalid bureaus and sofys that your great grandmarm got ashamed of and sent to the sickbay a thousand year ago. Oh, yes, and dishes!

While I gazed, a voice close behind me said, in a wheedling drawl: 'Dew come in! You never saw sech a place! Why, upstairs beats this all out of sight. Sech parlours, with velvet chairs, and sofys, and a pianer; I tell ye Nebrasky beats some o' them stuck-up Eastern States!

Then there was gret wide rooms, and sofys, and curtains, and gret curtained bedsteads that looked sort o' like fortifications, and pictur's that was got in Italy and Rome and all them 'are heathen places. Ye see, the Gineral was a drefful worldly old critter, and was all for the pomps and the vanities. Lordy massy!