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Several years have passed. We find Althea a matron of twenty or more, but did we not know her age, we might think her five years older. She has not lost her beauty; though it is of a softer, more pensive kind. She is a gentle, quiet woman, beloved by the people of Windsor, for she makes no pretensions, and they have no shadow of suspicion that she deems herself their superior.

She possessed her father's quiet, gentle, modest demeanor with her mother's beauty. Her great dark eyes were softer than her mother's, and her face and contour were perfections of beauty. "How glad I am to see you! Oh, how you have grown!" were among the exclamations of his mother. Robert noticed a great change in her. She was no longer the proud-spirited being of old.

The hounds came with us for a few yards, but, the ground becoming softer the farther we went from the edge, they halted, whined as though loath to part from friends, and then ran back to meet Vetch and one of his buccaneers, who stood helpless at the brink.

May reigned supreme a tender blue-eyed maiden, treading upon a carpet of young grass with flowers in their natural colors; and nowhere were her smiles softer or more bright than there at Shadynook, which looks still on the noble river flowing to the sea, and on the distant town of Williamsburg, from which light clouds of smoke curl upward and are lost in the far-reaching azure.

"Did you expect to dance every dance with me?" "I came for no other purpose." "You would have several duels to fight to-morrow." "I have no objection." "You have fought others, then?" Her voice was the softer with the effort to turn its edge. "No more than most men, I suppose. May I ask how many have been fought for you?" "My memory is no better than yours. Why should I burden it with trifles?"

He woke to find himself on a softer turf than ever he had slept on before, and under the shade of very dark trees that completely hid the sky. Always, indeed, in Fairyland the sky is hidden, it seems. Except for one night when the fairies were dancing, Mr. Skelmersdale, during all his time with them, never saw a star.

A tropic sky always seemed to me to hang so low that one could almost bathe one's fingers in its lukewarm liquid blue by reaching upward from any dwelling-roof. But this sky, softer, fainter, arches so vastly as to suggest the heaven of a larger planet. And the very clouds are not clouds, but only dreams of clouds, so filmy they are; ghosts of clouds, diaphanous spectres, illusions!

'Come, eat of this fowl and meat and drink of this wine and sherbet of sugar, said she; 'for thou art weary; and after come hither. 'I hear and obey, replied he and did as she bade him. When he had made an end of eating and drinking, she said to him, 'Come up with me on the couch and rub my feet. So he fell to rubbing her feet and legs and found them softer than silk.

But lest this general amiability and desire to give pleasure to those around her might seem to impart a prevailing tinge of weakness to her character, it is fair to add that she united to these softer feelings, robuster virtues calculated to deserve and to win universal admiration; though some of them, never having yet been called forth by circumstances, were for a long time unsuspected by the world at large.

Do you happen to remember Olivia Cartwright?" "Of course I do. And a mighty pretty and interesting girl she is. I should think she might make a Petruchio for you." "I thought she would. But the boots seem to have a devastating effect. The minute she gets them on even in imagination, for we haven't had a dress rehearsal yet her voice grows softer and her manner more lady-like.