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We'll give 'em canned peaches with cream. Susy likes cream as well as a cat." "I'd like to see Prudy eat a 'simmon a green one, I mean," cried Horace, laughing aloud. "Seems like I can see her mouth puckering up now." Susy and Prudy, all this while, were riding home in the cars, under the care of the conductor. "O," sighed Susy, "I wish we were going backwards, just the other way.

Then he was off up the tree, first ascending one great bough and then another, to lean out, staring away between the twigs in search of something, but he always came down again looking quite disconsolate. "What have you been looking for?" I said on one of these occasions. "Simmon tree, Mass' George. No see one nowhere 'bout." "But you couldn't get there if you could see them."

He stole a sidelong glance at her from under his bushy eyebrows, to see the effect of his remark. She tossed her head defiantly. "I 'low if the choice was left to the 'simmon or you eithah, brer Billy, you'd both take the greenness an' the puckah befo' the fros'bite every time." Then a tone of complaint trembled in her voice.

"Brer Rabbit wunk at hisse'f. He 'low, 'Heyo, house! why n't you talk hoarse like you got a bad col'? "Den Brer Wolf holler back, hoarse ez he kin, 'Heyo, yo'se'f! "Dis make Brer Rabbit laugh twel a little mo' en he'd a drapt off'n dat ar 'simmon stump en hurt hisse'f. "He 'low, 'Eh-eh, Brer Wolf! dat ain't nigh gwine ter do.

You may say, 'I wonder, if you like; that's what we say out west." "Wait," said Peter. "I only said, 'I want to know what other trees you have; that's what I meant, but you shet me right up." "O, there's the butternut, and tree of heaven, and papaw, and 'simmon, and a 'right smart sprinkle' of wood-trees." "What's a 'simmon?"

'Just to my house of Simmon, said that lady, smiling. She was standing on the eastern balcony, buttoning a dainty grey glove, while Manisty a few paces from her was lounging in a deck-chair, with the English newspapers. 'What? to mass? I protest. Look at the lake look at the sky look at that patch of broom on the lake side. Come and walk there before dejeuner and make a round home by Aricia.

No matter 'bout dat, de 'simmon patch 'uz dar des like I tell you, en ole Brer Possum mouf 'gun ter water soon's he year talk un um, en mos' 'fo' Brer Rabbit done tellin' 'im de news, Brer Possum, he put out, he did, en 'twa'n't long 'fo' he wuz perch up in de highes' tree in Brer B'ar 'simmon patch.

"Now, M. Simmón," he said, briskly, in an altered voice, "if you will have the kindness to hold the drawer for a moment in this position, I will draw the serpent's fangs. There is not the slightest danger," he added, seeing that Simmonds very naturally hesitated.

"Davy," said Tom, "I reckon she'll be standin' under the 'simmon tree, waitin' fer us with the little shaver in her arms." And so she was. The Eden of one man may be the Inferno of his neighbor, and now I am to throw to the winds, like leaves of a worthless manuscript, some years of time, and introduce you to a new Kentucky, a Kentucky that was not for the pioneer.

But, bless yo' soul, honey, w'ile she wuz croppin' de grass she tuck one mou'ful too menny, kaze w'en she hitch on ter de 'simmon tree agin, Brer Rabbit wuz settin' in de fence cornder a watchin' un 'er. Den Brer Rabbit he say ter hisse'f: "'Heyo, sezee, 'w'at dis yer gwine on now? Hol' yo' hosses, Sis Cow, twel you hear me comin', sezee.