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Confronting the resplendent languid loafer, he silkily observed, as he placed his cutting-whip beneath his left arm and extended his white cotton-gloved right hand: "And how's the charming little Haddock, the fourpenny, common breakfast Haddock?"

When he reseated himself he was gnawing his lip as if vexed that he had showed even that much lack of self-control. And once more he buried the point of his chin in his hands. "Do, Chub?" he picked up the other's question silkily. "What am I going to do? Well, I believe I am going to pay my debts at last.

"In effect, monsieur, this is your doing," the Baron flashed on him, glad to have some one upon whom he could fasten the sharp fangs of his irritation. "You should be broke for it. You bring the King's service into disrepute; you force me, His Majesty's representative, into an impossible position." "Is it impossible to award us the one-fifth share?" quoth Captain Blood silkily.

"Now you mention it...." Lanyard cocked his head to one side with a maddening effect of deliberation. "No," he concluded "no; I wouldn't accuse you of intentional treason, monsieur; for that would involve an imputation of intelligence...." He opened the door and nodded pleasantly to Crane and the third officer. "Good-night, gentlemen," he said silkily.

It was true he was nobody's dog; and he was fascinated by soldiers and military music, and so, perhaps "I'll no' be reconciled to parting Eh, man, that's what Auld Jock himsel' said when he was telling me that the bit dog must be returned to the sheep-farm: 'It wull be sair partin'." Tears stood in the unashamed landlord's eyes. Glenormiston was pulling Bobby's silkily fringed ears thoughtfully.

When one has had a nose of a particular shape for the best part of thirty years it is rather a wrench to feel that one is abandoning it for a stranger. I passed my fingers down it almost affectionately. McMurtrie, who appeared to be in the best of spirits, wished me good-morning in that silkily polite manner of his which I was getting to dislike more and more. Sonia said nothing.

Behind her came the bee who had been slanged by the Guard. "What is the world like, Melissa?" said a companion. "Cruel! I brought in a full load of first-class stuff, and the Guard told me to go and be foul-brooded!" She sat down in the cool draught across the combs. "If you'd only heard," said the Wax-moth silkily, "the insolence of the Guard's tone when she cursed our sister.

At the head, advancing with an air of slow dignity, walked a shining black animal with two broad white stripes down her back and fur so long that it rippled silkily in the breeze; behind, in a row, came five little ones, exact counterparts of their mother. Upon a flat stone at the edge of the stream they all crouched for a drink.

Once, she whirled and tried to kick him, but usually she strove to strike him with her fore-hoofs, or rushed upon him with open mouth and ears laid back in an effort to crunch his backbone between her teeth. And the wolf-dog, with ears flattened down and crouching, would slide silkily away, only to circle up to the foal from the other side and give cause to the mare for new alarm.

If you go home now and recover from your injury your mind will clear. Then you will have wit enough to decide how soon and how often it will be advisable for you to return here!" His labored sarcasm was entirely intelligible. I bade him farewell as ceremoniously as I could manage. He silkily said: "I have a bit of parting advice for you, Andivius.