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"That'll just about have to do yuh, kids," he rebelled suddenly and left them, anxiously patting his hair and generally resettling himself as he went. Once more in a dispirited fashion he threaded the crowd, which had grown somewhat larger, side-stepped a group which called after him, and went on down to the creek. "I'm about the limit, I guess," he told himself irritably.

"I side-stepped. 'I gather, says I, 'you want to go campin', and you want me to pilot you? "He just beamed on having the puzzle solved so simple, 'That's it exactly, says he. "'I guessed it almost from the first, says I. 'Well, we want a team and blankets and a camp kit; that'll cost something.

Then he straightened up and sniffed: "What's burnin'?" he asked, simulating alarm. Then he noticed the cigar between the teeth of his foreman and grinned: "Gee, but yore a brave man, Buck." "Hullo, Hopalong," said the foreman. "Want a smoke?" Waving his hand toward the box on the bar. Mr. Hopalong Cassidy side-stepped and began to roll a cigarette: "Shore, but I'll burn my own I know what it is."

The Ranger side-stepped the trail for a different angle of refraction. The object blurred, then reappeared, a leaf from a note book not thirty yards away. Wayland went quickly forward. He was aware as he walked that the shrivelled earth heaved and sank so that he had the sensation of staggering. It was a dirty leaf from a note book fouled by the Desert winds and lodged in the sage brush.

But when the name did come up I had reason to be pleased, for Polly spoke it with approval, and it was not of the owner of Harbor Castle she was speaking, but of myself. It was one evening about two weeks after we had met, and I had side-stepped the Lowells and was motoring with Polly alone. We were talking of our favorite authors, dead and alive.

He'll run in a minute." Phil's better judgment told him to do that very thing, but he could not bring himself to run from danger. Much as he disliked a row, he was too plucky and courageous to run from danger. Bad Eye was rushing at him, his eyes blazing with anger. Phil side-stepped easily, avoiding his antagonist without the least difficulty.

Wilberfloss in friendly fashion on the chest. "Say," he asked, "did youse ever have a cat wit one blue and one yellow eye?" Mr. Wilberfloss side-stepped and turned once more to Psmith, who was offering B. Henderson Asher a cigarette. "Who are you?" he demanded. "Who am I?" repeated Psmith in an astonished tone. "Who are you?" "I am Psmith," said the old Etonian reverently.

It was good to feel his grip, even if it hurt, because after five days I had begun to worry. "Well, old boy, how's tricks?" he asked easily. "Well, old man, did you land that son of a gun in jail?" "You bet I did. And he'll stay there for a while. Del Rio rather liked the idea, Russ. All right there. I side-stepped Sanderson on the way back.

I got her outside, told her mother that the matter was all right, when I'm blessed if she didn't try it on too. That was just as you came out. You may have noticed that I side-stepped warily round the young man." "Be careful, Green. Is she a widow?" laughed Foyle. And then, more seriously: "How far is it to this place? Our man may be out when we get there." "Shall we leave it till to-night, sir?

"What devil's work have you been at?" said he, his voice cutting the ear in its sharpness of astonished rage, and his hand slid down along the handle of his gun. Pierre, watching him like a lynx, side-stepped, crouched, whipped out his gun, and fired. At almost the same second the other's gun went off. Pierre dropped.