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But John seemed doomed to disappointment; the showman's life was not at all as he had pictured it. Instead of becoming fabulously rich in a fairy-like way, he was taken very ill and had soon lost all the money he did have. As soon, therefore, as he was able, he returned to his friends at home, thoroughly disgusted with his undertakings; he was a wiser lad than he was when he went away.

To-day, a row of chairs did duty for the scholars and were duly harangued, catechised, and even admonished with a cane. In another scene, a peasant woman appears with her donkey, to whom she confides a long tirade of troubles, the donkey for the moment being like the showman's hero in the famous story, "round the corner."

He intended that the Doctor should be introduced to the affectionate skill of a London tailor before he was much older, and he registered a vow that the long yellow hair should be cut. But these details were the result of his showman's intuition; personally, he would as readily have travelled with Claudius had he affected the costume of a shoeblack.

The young foreigner flourished his fiddle-bow with a master's hand, and gave an inspiring echo to the showman's melody.

Sparling turned abruptly and hurried out into the big top where the leaping act was in full cry. Painted clowns were keeping the audience in a roar by their funny leaps from the springboard to the mat, while the supple acrobats were doing doubles and singles through the air, landing gracefully on the mat as a round off. The showman's first inquiring look was in search of Teddy Tucker.

To draw your steps, it is the showman's privilege to make what blare he please upon the sidewalk; to puff his cheeks with robustious announcement.

Now and again, as the wind shifted for a moment toward the showman's swaying office tent, the blare of the band off under the big top told him the show was moving merrily on. "Bates, you are almost human at times. I had already observed that the storm was coming wet," replied the showman. "Yes, sir." "I have reason to be aware of the fact that 'she is coming wet, as you so admirably put it.

The light, which came from a dark-lanthorn, placed on the ground, revealed the forms of a peasant in a smock-frock, and two stout-built, stalwart men, armed with pistols besides the one engaged with Darvil. The whole of this scene was brought as by the trick of the stage as by a flash of lightning as by the change of a showman's phantasmagoria before the astonished eyes of the banker.

Even as a child I can remember how they worshiped Jenny Lind." "Worshiped or not," she answered, sharply, "I was nothing more than a show in a showman's hands; I can never forget that." We sat on her veranda, and she told me all about her early life and her musical career. She said she was born in 1820, and when only ten years old she used to sing in cafes in Stockholm.

And, having sneezed four or five times, he opened his arms affectionately and said to Pinocchio: "You are a good, brave boy! Come here and give me a kiss." Pinocchio ran at once and, climbing like a squirrel up the showman's beard, he deposited a hearty kiss on the point of his nose. "Then the pardon is granted?" asked poor Harlequin in a faint voice that was scarcely audible.