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Tonoi obtained sufficient coarse brown tappa to make a short mantle of this description; and in five minutes the doctor was equipped. Zeke, eyeing his toga critically, reminded its proprietor that there were many streams to ford, and precipices to scale, between Martair and Tamai; and if he travelled in petticoats, he had better hold them up. Besides other deficiencies, we were utterly shoeless.

We stopped at the camp until we had dried our clothes and had some breakfast; and, then, we made our way to Memphis. My wife and her sister were shoeless, and the latter had no hat on she had hurried out of the house in such excitement that she thought of nothing but getting away.

She wore no hat on her head; her long yellow hair lay in confusion over her shoulders; her feet were shoeless, and one arm was laid with a certain air of protection on a wee white bundle on the straw by her side. "Who are you?" said Flower, at last. "Are you a ghost, or are you the daughter of the dreadful woman who lives in this hut? See! I had a long sleep.

I know no more than you do." It is a damned and a bloody work; The graceless action of a heavy hand, If that it be the work of any hand. King John. The two men eyed me quietly, then Hexford pointed to my shoeless feet and sternly retorted: "Permit us to doubt your last assertion. You seem to be in better position than ourselves to explain the circumstances which puzzle you." They were right.

Her feet, stuck out before her, rested on the edge of the fender, shoeless, and both her general appearance and attitude betokened a complete absence of self-consciousness, and that lack of expectation of any immediate event which is often dubbed stupidity.

The officers swaggered in the gayest of uniforms; the men were shoeless, dirty and slovenly. A shooting-trip had been arranged for us: a steam launch on the lake, Indians as carriers, mules, etc. etc., but my friend declined for want of time. Among the fauna of the country are common and black jaguars, tapirs, manatees, peccaries, boas, cougars or pumas, and alligators.

Then he unslid the inside bolt, and the portrait swung open; he closed it behind, and sped on silent shoeless feet down the polished floor of the gallery. Of course the great staircase was hopeless. The hall would be seething with men. But there was just a chance through the servants' quarters.

He was hatless and shoeless, and his shirt and trousers were dropping off him. But he wore one wondrous garment a gigantic cloak that fell from collar-bone to heel of pale pink silk, wrought all over in cunningest needlework of hands long since dead, with the loves of the Hindu gods. The monstrous figures leaped in and out of the light of the fire as he settled the folds round him.

So they lay in their camps on the Rapidan, in that cold winter of 1863 a little army of ragged and hungry men, with gaunt faces, wasted forms, shoeless feet; with nothing to encourage them but the cause, past victories, and Lee's presence. That was much; what was enough, however, was the blood in their veins; the inspiration of the great race of fighting men from whom they derived their origin.

Its only apparent fault is that the mountains and volcanoes are out of all proportion in height. But exaggeration is a common Central-American failing. The city is populous, chiefly with shoeless inhabitants, monotonously flat, few buildings for dread of earthquake being over one story, even the national palace and cathedral sitting low and squat.