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Updated: August 21, 2024

"'Twill soon be now, Peggy, for here comes thy mother to call us to get ready." "Yes," spoke Mrs. Owen overhearing the words. "David says that as soon as ye have donned your wraps 'twill be time to go." Peggy and Sally were Quaker maidens, well drilled in art of self-repression, so they made no scene as they bade their mothers farewell, and took leave of Nurse Johnson, her son and Robert Dale.

We feel his inmost temper in the stoical self-repression which gives its dignity to his figures. Adam utters no cry of agony when he is driven from Paradise. Satan suffers in a defiant silence.

When one once acknowledges that she was not a common woman, then all this is easily understood. She was abominable but she was not common. She had suffered in her life not from its constant inferiority but from constant self-repression. A common woman finding herself placed in a commanding position might have formed the design to become the second Mrs de Barral.

His lips shut tight again at this. The listeners had caught no helpful clue from the tone of his words. They exchanged a glance, and then M. Fromentin spoke. "Mr. Thorpe," he began, slowly, with an obvious effort at self-repression. "It is a very simple story. Our house is an old one. My father's grandfather organized the finance of the commissariat of General Bonaparte in Egypt.

The burden of every song is love, true love, enduring love, a woman's true and enduring love. And in his moment of clairvoyance Peter saw that these songs and stories were profoundly true. Against a woman's selectiveness no other social force may count. That was why his own race was weak and hopeless and helpless. The males of his people were devoid of any such sentiment or self-repression.

He insulted us with the verse about the old woman who went to the cupboard to get a bone, and if he hadn't been her father " he breathed a portentous and difficult self-repression. "Then he took a cowardly advantage of my having no money, just now; right after I explained how I was going to make wads with Vigne."

'What turn, said Bradley, with an effort at self-repression that forced him to wipe his face, 'did his insolence take to-day? 'It took the turn, answered Riderhood, with sullen ferocity, 'of hoping as I was getting ready to be hanged. 'Let him look to that, cried Bradley. 'Let him look to that!

She had not only changed amazingly but she was still changing and Symes watched the various stages of her development with quiet interest and approval. It is true he missed her former demonstrativeness and open admiration of himself, but he considered her self-repression a mark of advancement, an evidence of the repose of manner which she was cultivating.

But apart from other grounds for self-repression, reasons both definite and vague made him shut away that question as he might have shut up a half-opened writing that would have carried his imagination too far, and given too much shape to presentiments. Might there not come a disclosure which would hold the missing determination of his course? What did he really know about his origin?

At this distance from the scene and after years of meditation I am convinced that their efforts to induce me to go were merely an unnatural craving for sensation. I went we three went. Even a bare-legged King has in his own house an advantage over the European stranger. I was heated, partly from self-repression, partly from Scotch tweed.

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