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Updated: August 2, 2024

For after once we had topped the cliff that led over to the cove, I doubt if any consideration on earth would have induced us to return to that accursed place. The row out to the ship was wet and dangerous. Seismic disturbances were undoubtedly responsible for high pyramidic waves that lifted and fell without onward movement.

On the other hand, these regions have suffered through many centuries from the secondary effects of seismic action and subterranean forces, and earthquake shocks have laid in ruins the great temples and palaces of Palmyra, Baalbec, and other cities of antiquity.

From this general survey of the present condition of the earth's surface, as regards the volcanic operations going on over it, and a comparison with those of a preceding period, we are driven to the conclusion that, however violent and often disastrous are the volcanic and seismic phenomena of the present day, they are restricted to comparatively narrow limits; and that even within these limits the volcanic forces are less powerful than they were in pre-historic times.

I said; "going out for a spin, Uncle Gilbert?" "Possibly," he answered, never taking his eyes off the man-killer in front of him, which stood there trembling with anger. "What car is it?" I inquired politely. "It's a Seismic," Uncle Gilbert said. "Oh, yes, of course; made by the Earthquake Brothers in Powderville good car for the hills, especially coming down," I volunteered. "Know how to run it?"

Some scientists, indeed, declared that no possible connection could exist between the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the earthquake at San Francisco, but others were inclined to view certain facts in regard to recent seismic and volcanic activity as, to say the least, suggestive.

One of them, an agriculturist, with whom I had always been on the best of terms, came with a clouded brow. "When I first felt those shakes," he said, "I thought they were the effects of seismic disturbances, and I did not mind, but when I found it was your well I thought I ought to come over to speak about it.

These seismic forces of the new century combined to make the situation facing the Western world in 1914 intensely volatile. When the great conflagration did break out, therefore, the nightmare far surpassed the worst fears of thoughtful minds.

All had been thrown to the ground by the first shock, and there they lay, sick from that awful seismic vibration. A cloud of almost impalpable dust spread broadly and shrouded the sun. There was not a breath of air astir. Not a living thing was to be seen in the open even the lizards had disappeared. The spot where they had delved the day before, was now in plain view to the treasure seekers.

Prone on the ground, terrified and bewildered before this awful seismic phenomenon, neither belligerent party thought of fighting. Not until the uproar and quaking had subsided some minutes later, could they reconcile themselves to the conviction that by a miracle only were they alive. The mutineers crept away into the forest unmolested. Gradually the others regained self-control.

I do not think we need apprehend any further seismic disturbance. Such gaseous trouble as there is in the heart of this island will find escape if I do not mistake through Mr. Roebach's oil well." "Then what is troubling you, sir?" queried the boys in chorus. "The knowledge I possess of the nature of glaciers leads me to fear this peril," replied the aged scientist.

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