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We quote from it: 'A characteristic act of Abraham Schell was to give a deed to the entire place and all of its appurtenances, last summer, to Herrick R. Schell, his nephew, who had served him faithfully as assistant and business associate for twenty-six years. The property conveyed consisted of three thousand acres, upon which Mr.

"Why, Pete ought to be big enough to lick you alone, Strong," continued the tantalizer. "Hey, Pete! Don't sneak out. Come and tell us why you didn't give this chap the lickin' you said you was going to?" Pete only glared at him and slunk out of the store. Hiram turned his back on the whole crowd and waited at the end of the counter for Mr. Schell.

With every step they gained a clearer impression of the nature of this obstacle until, at last, an expression of half-mockery, half-anger overspread their features. "Now God forgive me!" exclaimed Schell finally, "but that is the infernal brown traveling carriage from the inn!" "May the devil take me!" rejoined Trenck, "if I delay or flee a step from those miserable rascals."

"Lieutenant Schell, it seemed to me, looked somewhat obliquely at me," replied the Dane. "Therefore, I indulged him in a pass or two directed against his right arm." "Such a delicate youth, and so mild-mannered! Are you not ashamed?" "What could I do? There was no one else at hand." "Nevertheless he seems to have wounded you?" "Yes, accidentally though, without knowing what he did."

My case certainly was pitiable: I related all the events of my life, and the purport of my journey; conjured him to save Schell, who was unable to proceed further, and whose wounds grew daily worse; and prayed him to entertain him at the convent till I should have been to my mother, have obtained money, and returned to Thorn, when I would certainly repay him whatever expense he might have been at, with thanks and gratitude.

I have seen Father Schell presented unanimously by the Institute and the Professional Corps as worthy to receive a chair at the Collège de France, and refused by the Minister.

"You see there is so little to tell you, except that in the afternoon some Senecas and Tories shot at one of our distant tenants, a poor man, one Christian Schell; and he beat them off and killed eleven, which was very brave, and one of the soldiers made a rude song about it, and they have been singing it all night in their quarters.

Schell was not strong; they would all have fallen upon me, and we should easily have been carried off, for they wanted to take us alive. We left the causeway about thirty paces, answering "we had not time to give them help;" at which they all ran to their carriage, drew out their pistols, and returning full speed after us, called, "Stop, rascals!"

It was the period of William H. Vanderbilt's ascendancy in Western Union control; and the railroad millionnaire and his companions, Hamilton McK. Twombly, James H. Banker, Samuel F. Barger, Alonzo B. Cornell, Augustus Schell, William Orton, were objects of great interest to the young office boy. Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Edison were also constant visitors to the department.

The young farmer was of two minds whether he should see Caleb Schell, or not. But when he got back to the house for supper, and saw the doleful faces of the three waiting there, he couldn't stand inaction. "If you don't mind, I want to go to town tonight, Mrs. Atterson," he told the old lady. "All right, Hiram. I expect you've got to look out for yourself, boy.