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Dickerson and I should have trouble unless other neighbors make trouble for us." "Right, boy right!" called Cale Schell, from behind the counter, where he could hear and comment upon all that went on in the middle of the room, despite the attention he had to give to his customers. "Well, if you can git along with Sam and Pete, you'll do well," laughed another of the group.

The design of Schell was to go under the arsenal, which was not far off, to gain the covered way, leap the palisadoes, and afterwards escape after the best manner we might. We had scarcely gone a hundred paces before we met the adjutant and Major Quaadt. Schell started back, sprang upon the rampart, and leaped from the wall, which was there not very high.

"Abraham Schell was born in Gallupville, and proposes to be buried in the neighboring village of Middleburgh, his wife's native place, where he has erected a monument. "They say that all Forty-niners who remained in California either became millionaires or paupers. It seems that Mr. Schell was one of the former.

Echoes and reflections from these incidents will be found in Eleanor, and it was the case of Doctor Schell that suggested Father Benecke. So the full weeks passed on. Half Eleanor had been written, and in June we turned homeward. But before then, one visitor came to the Villa Barberini in our last weeks there, who brought with him, for myself, a special and peculiar joy.

This resolution formed, I waited in expectation of the day, when a new and remarkable succession of accidents happened. An alarm of fire had obliged the major to repair to the town; he committed the keys to the lieutenant. The latter, coming to visit me, asked "Dear Trenck, have you never, during seven years that you have been under the guard of the militia, found a man like Schell?"

I followed the course of the river for half an hour, and having once passed the first villages that formed the line of desertion, with which Schell was perfectly acquainted, we in a lucky moment found a fisherman's boat moored to the shore; into this we leaped, crossed the river again, and soon gained the mountains.

In this condition I carried Schell to the end of the wood not far from these houses; here he tied my hands behind my back, but so that I could easily disengage them in ease of need: and hobbled after me, by aid of his staff, calling for help. Two old peasants appeared, and Schell commanded them to run to the village, and tell a magistrate to come immediately with a cart.

Here we sold, to prevent dying of hunger, a shirt and Schell's waistcoat for eighteen grosch, or nine schostacks. I had shot a pullet the day before, which necessity obliged us to eat raw. I also killed a crow, which I devoured alone, Schell refusing to taste. Youth and hard travelling created a voracious appetite, and our eighteen grosch were soon expended. Feb. 24.

I had then nine horses and five servants, with the highest and most favourable hopes of futurity; but now I came a fugitive, seeking protection, and having lost all a youth like me had to lose. I had but a single louis-d'or in my purse, and Schell forty kreutzers, or some three shillings; with this small sum, in a strange country, we had to cure his sprain, and provide for all our wants.

After having defrayed the expenses of travelling for me and my friend Schell, for whose remarkable history I will endeavour to find a few pages in due course, I divided the three hundred ducats which remained with him, and, having stayed a month at Vienna, he went to join the regiment of Pallavicini, in which he had obtained a lieutenant-colonel's commission, and which was then in Italy.