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Updated: August 15, 2024

Job suddenly reached over and pecked a blossom from its stem, ate the heart with the dainty air of an epicure, and discarded the remainder with a noise akin to a gobble of disgust. Uncle Noah rose in scandalized protest. "Yoh good-foh-nothin', miserable, sassy turkey!" he scolded, hastily removing the orchids; "you sartinly is de mos' scan'lous, no-'count bird I ever knowed.

The little negro boy who had brought Shashai to the doorstep, and who had been staring popeyed during the conversation, dashed away toward the paddock, to rush upon Shelby with a wild tale of "dat lady f'om de norf was a-sassin' Missie Peggy jist scan'lous and orderin' Shelby fer to come quick ter holp her." "What you a-talking about, you little fool nigger?" demanded Shelby.

"Dey's on'y one leavin' heah daily, an' hit goes at six in de mo'nin'. One train a day! Ain' 'at scan'lous?" "I'm sure, Aunt Fanny, it is their business not ours," said Beverly severely. "P'raps dey mought be runnin' a excuhsion 'roun' 'baout Septembeh, Miss Bev'ly," speculated Aunt Fanny consolingly. "Dey gen'ly has 'em in Septembeh." "You old goose," cried Beverly, in spite of herself.

Well, we was here first, and Saul says we'll be here last. But I think it's plumb scan'lous the way them rustlers bunches together and fights. They never was known to do it before, and they wouldn't do it now if it wasn't for that black-hearted thief, Macdonald!" "Did you ever see him?" Frances asked. "No, I never did, and don't never want to!"

Scan'lous sights upon de yearth when de Weymouth fambly done turn out robbers and 'bezzlers! Time for Uncle Bushrod to clean out somebody's chicken-coop and eben matters up. Oh, Lawd! Marse Robert, you ain't gwine do dat. 'N Miss Letty an' dem chillun so proud and talkin' 'Weymouth, Weymouth, all de time! I'm gwine to stop you ef I can. 'Spec you shoot Mr.

Leggett" the eyes sparkled with banter "I'll tell you ef you'll fus' aansweh me a riddle; will you? 'Caze ef you don't I won't tell you. Will you?" "Lawd! I'll try! On'y ass it quick befo' my haht bus' wide opm. Ass it quick!" "Well, you know, I cayn't ass it so scan'lous quick, else I run de dangeh o' gettin' it wrong. Now, dis is it: When is hol' on, lemme see yass, dass it.

John expressed himself unalarmed and asked the news. "I ain't pick up much news in the Susie," said Enos. "Jeff-Jack's house beginnin' to look mos' done. Scan'lous fine house! Mawnstus hayndy, havin' it jined'n' right on, sawt o', to old Halliday's that a way. Johnnie, why don't you marry? You kin do it; the gal fools ain't all peg out yit."

Consternation reigned the "len'th an' brea'th" of Jim-Ned. Mrs. Cullum placid and easy-going Mrs. Tobe under the same roof with him, actually had not spoken to her lawful and wedded husband since the snipe-hunt ten days ago come Monday! "It's plumb scan'lous!" Mrs. Pinson exclaimed, at her daughter's quilting. "I never would of thought sech a thing of Sissy never!"

De doctor headed 'em off some ways, and de very nex' day what you think he done? He put dat gal in a Cafolic nunnery convent! Dey say she cut up scan'lous at fust, den she sorter quiet down, an' 'gin to count her necklace, an' make signs on de waist ob her dress, an' say she lak it so much she gwine be a Cafolic nunnery sister herself.

She come up to him, Het did, all wet from head to foot with tears, and tried to throw 'er arms around his neck, but he shoved 'er off, he did, an' begun the awfulest rip-rantin' jowerin' you ever heard, about the scan'lous way she'd carried on with you while he was off. He didn't say nothin' about his spell he had no apologies to make.

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