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Updated: August 11, 2024

It leers like a satyr master of ceremonies at them. It is Pan in a clown suit, Silenus on a trick mule, Eros in a Pullman smoker. Laugh, dance, jerk, wiggle and kid all you want but the Lady of the Sea Foam whispers a secret. Aphrodite, become a female barytone, still takes herself very seriously. Aphrodite, alas, is always serious. She gurgles a sonorous plaint out of the saxophone.

"Nor me, either," said Quin, breathing heavily. Then the band decided to be accommodating, and the saxophone decided to out-jazz the piano, and the drum got its ambition roused and joined in the competition, and the young couple who were not supposed to be dancing out-danced everything on the floor!

"Well, why didn't you say so before?" remarked the judge more amiably. "Let me see the card. All right! Anything more, Mr. Hingman?" But Mr. Hingman had long before this subsided into his chair and was emitting sounds like those from a saxophone. "That is plain, simple testimony, Mr. Tutt," remarked the judge. "Go ahead and cross-examine."

Thought that was only a boy-and-girl affair.... Aha! the nigger music again! Let's find a seat, Dare." Saxophone, trombone, piccolo, snare-drum and other barbaric instruments opened with a brazen defiance of music, and a vibrant assurance of quick, raw, strong sounds. Lane himself felt the stirring effect upon his nerves. He had difficulty in keeping still.

"Well, suh, I jes' wanted to ast you ef you ever run acrost one of these yere whiffletits w'ich played on the jazzin'-valve?" "Prithee?" "Naw, suh, not the prith prith whut you jes' said. I mentioned the jazzin'-valve whut some folks calls the saxophone. D'ye reckin they mout' 'a' been a whiffletit onct 'at played on one?" "Oh, the saxophone! Well, as to that I could not with certainty speak.

Dim lights winked at them from stone niches and from a cleft in the rock to one side a prim little maid in a ruched white cap took Joe's hat. There should have been a troglodyte attendant, instead. On the other side of swinging glass doors was much clatter and laughter and the indistinct voice of a woman above a rhythmic strumming and the bleat of a saxophone.

Absent-mindedly recalling this story I reached out my hand with a five-dollar bill in it, as I saw a quiet-looking gentleman passing by with a hat in his hand. "Bury ten saxophone players," I hissed through my set lips. He turned to me mildly. "Excuse me sir," said he, "I am not an undertaker. I am only the Secretary of the Interior." Of course one will make mistakes.

"It was a mistake," she continued, on the same consciously gentle key. "We'll both forget it." For this he hated her. A few minutes later they drifted out on the floor while the dozen swaying, sighing members of the specially hired jazz orchestra informed the crowded ballroom that "if a saxophone and me are left alone why then two is com-pan-ee!" A man with a mustache cut in.

The low tones produced by the saxophone or clarinet result from the enlargement of the aperture, while the higher tones are produced by contracting the opening. Variations of pitch in the human voice are also effected by elongation and contraction of the vocal cords with comparative slackness or tension, as in the violin.

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