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I had a rovin' disposition an' didn't stick long at any kind of work. But I was lookin' for a ranch. My wife had some money an' I had high hopes. We spent our first year of married life travelin' through Kansas. At Dodge I got tied up for a while. You know, in them days Dodge was about the wildest camp on the plains. My wife's brother run a place there. He wasn't much good.

"Whilst he's gettin' the private signals they're rather particular ones I went forrard to see the Dirk's gunner about borrowin' a holdin'-down bolt for our twelve-pounder. My open ears, while I was rovin' over his packet, got the followin' authentic particulars." I heard his voice change, and his feet shifted.

I was in for comin' down here to receive you really I was but my missus says she ain't a-goin' to have me rovin' 'round the country that 'ay agin. 'Gimme an extry oar, I says. And she says: 'Does you 'spose I'll let you run 'round lookin' like a load of wood? And I says " The gate latch clicked. Again Tim appeared from the maze of corn and stood shading his eyes and gazing toward the house.

After that, feelin' a bit stronger, I'd a mind to fix up the oar for a mark, in case any vessel passed near an' me asleep or too weak to make a signal. I found a handy chink i' the rock to plant it in, an' a rovin' pain I had in my stomach while I was fixin' it. That was the egg, I dessay.

Sure, it was his natural colour; he has a beautiful complexion." "His eyes was rovin' from one to the other," cried Anna Maria, giggling; "I was near dyin' with laughin'. You could see as plain as anything he was axin' himself all the time, "Will I have this one, or 'Will I have that one?" "A-ah, not at all," cried Juliana, reddening.

But I'm hungry for a smell o' Channel creek at low tide. I tell you, Gib, rovin' and wild adventure's all right, but the old green-pea trade wasn't so durned bad, after all." "You bet!" McGuffey's response was very fervid. "Them was the happy days," supplemented the commodore. He was as joyous as a schoolboy.

"He couldn't git himself through there with two pair o' pants on," answered Mr. Briley. "I expect they must have to keep limber as eels. I used to think, when I was a boy, that 't was the only thing I could ever be reconciled to do for a livin'. I set out to run away an' follow a rovin' showman once, but mother needed me to home. There warn't nobody but me an' the little gals."

I am sure everybody, young and old, make their hearts over to Robert Burns. There was a lad was born in Kyle, But whatnaday, o' whatna style, I doubt its hardly worth our while To be sae nice wi' Robin. For Robin was a rovin boy, A rantin', rovin', rantin', rovin', Robin was a rovin' boy, O ran-tin', rov-in', Robin!

"That's what Dolly and Jarvis are goin' to try to make it for you," Webb went on. "Lord, they have been countin' on this for a long time! Seems like they don't talk of much else. I heard 'em say they was goin' to try to break you of your rovin' habit. They've got your room fixed up to a gnat's heel. It is the best one in the house plenty of air and light.

He swept off his broad hat to wave it wildly about his head; he came swooping down on Kendric as though he had a suspicion that his visitor had it in his head to whirl and make a bolt for the mountains; he whooped gleefully. "Old Jim Kendric!" he shouted. "Old Headlong Jim! Old r'arin', tearin', ramblin', rovin', hell-for-leather Kendric! Oh, mama! Man, I'm glad to see you!"