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It was followed by the capture of young Reyes Feliz, Rosita's brother, who was hanged in Los Angeles; and shortly afterward Murieta led his whole company northward into the oak-dotted hills back of San Luis Obispo where they lost twenty men among them Claudio the expert spy in a day-long battle with a posse of ranchers whom they had sought to ambush.

The pretty Rosita, still a little apprehensive, once more peeped through the cactus-fence to assure herself that no one was near. But this time some one was near, and the sight did not cause her any fear, quite the contrary. The approach of a young man in a blue manga, mounted upon a richly-caparisoned horse, had a contrary effect altogether, and Rosita's little heart now beat with confidence.

Then He sets them all a-burnin' ag'in, so's the wee angel babies can see what road to be takin'. An' Sandy 'll lose his hump an' Michael 'll get a new heart maybe that won't bump an' they'll put all the trusters in cages all but the nice Wee One cages like they have in the circus An' they'll never get out to pesther us never never no more " Bridget's voice trailed off into the distance, carrying with it the last of Rosita's fearing consciousness.

Of late, too, there were times when Dona Rosita's naive intelligence, which was not unlike the embarrassing perceptions of a bright and half-spoiled child, was in her way, and she would willingly have shared the young lady's company with her husband had Demorest shown any sympathy for the girl.

I have said I give him to you. And he came, Bueno," murmured Dona Rosita, with a half-resigned, half-superstitious gesture. "WILL you be quiet!" It was the sound of Demorest's feet on the gravel path, returning from his fruitless search. He had seen nothing. It must have been Dona Rosita's fancy. "She was just saying she thought she had been mistaken," said Joan, quietly.

Rosita's mother was indulging in a siesta; and Cibolo, if he saw anything amiss, said nothing about it to any one, but wagged his tail, and looked good-humouredly at Don Juan, as if he entirely approved of the latter's conduct. When Vizcarra reached his sumptuous quarters, the first thing he did was to call for wine. It was brought, and he drank freely and with fierce determination.

Then came a drive with Rosita, resplendent in French millinery, then supper; then the Opera, to which her father accompanied them, still without a word. Another day was nearly the same, only that this time she had to do her best to explain the newest fashions in behalf of a dress of Rosita's, then being made, and in the evening to go to a party at the Consul's, where she met Mr.

Their glittering armour, and the pennons of their lances, gave them a gay and attractive appearance. As Rosita's eyes fell upon them, they were wheeling into line, halting, as they finished the movement, with their front to the rancho, and not a hundred paces from the fence. The house was evidently the object of their coming to a halt. What could soldiers want there?

Responsibility and reflection never seemed to be impressed on that childish mind. Mary had come in for some of the anger, for not having prevented Rosita's expedition; but they were both speedily forgiven, and Mary never was informed again of her using the saya y manto. Their minds were diverted by the eager desire of one of the young officers to visit the silver mines.

In the shadow of Bridget's cot was Rosita's crib Rosita being the youngest, the most sensitive, and the most given to homesickness. This last was undoubtedly due to the fact that she was the only child in the incurable ward blessed in the matter of a home. Her parents were honest-working Italians who adored her, but who were too ignorant and indulgent to keep her alive.