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"Here we are, right-side up with care; plenty of grub, and no damage done except that we've decreased the stock of fish supplies the poachers have laid by," Step Hen was heard to declare; and though Giraffe gave him a pained look, and unconsciously rubbed his injured knee, he did not make any remark to the contrary.

An officer of the Directory, who, the better to satisfy his curiosity, had clambered up on the scaffolding of the right-side wing of the palace, then undergoing extension, fell from it, and struck the ground almost at Napoleon's feet. A shout of terror burst almost simultaneously from a thousand throats, and the ladies turned pale and shrank back, shuddering, from the windows.

"Oh, that is too bad!" cried Uncle Wiggily, when he saw what had happened. "I must help him to get right-side up again," which he did. "Oh, thank you for putting me on my legs once more, Uncle Wiggily," said the mud turtle.

Folks says say, what's bitin' you?" "Nothin'. You said Gary?" "Yes. Why?" "I was jest thinkin'." Young Andy dried his face on the community towel, emptied the basin with a flourish which drenched the pup and sent him yelping toward the house, attempted to shy the basin so that it would land right-side up on the bench but the basin was wet and soapy and slipped.

I wanta tell you they ain't many beautifuler sights in this world. An' they're that fine-strung, an' sensitive, an' delicate. You gotta handle 'em right-side up, glass, with care. Well, that's what you remind me of. And I'm goin' to make it my job to see you get handled an' gentled in the same way. You're as different from other women as that kind of a mare is from scrub work-horse mares.

She is the patientest, dearest, lovingest, kindest mother that ever a mortal had, and just because she is so patient shall I rejoice over the day when she can give a little sigh of relief and leave the kitchen, calm in the assurance that it will be right-side up when she returns. Ester, how did you make things go right?

His absent-mindedness was a source of laughter among his sons and sons-in-law. I've heard Frank say: "Dad would stop in the midst of a swath to announce the end of the world." He seldom remembered to put on a hat even in the blazing sun of July and his daughters had to keep an eye on him to be sure he had his vest on right-side out.

Aha! you don't know what pretty ways she has; at table she will look after me, 'Here, papa, just try this, it is nice. And I shall not be able to eat. Oh, it is a long while since I have been with her in quiet every-day life as we shall have her." "It really seems as if the world has been turned upside down." "Upside down?" repeated Father Goriot. "Why, the world has never been so right-side up.

Turn it right-side up and put it right out here in front again where the rain can get at it. Nothin' tickles the weather more'n a chance to spoil something. That's right. Now we c'n go to bed. Better leave them cushions on the steps too, Rosie." Courtney Thane went to his room, the spare-room on the second floor, and prepared to retire. The process was attended by the smoking of three cigarettes.

"We'd about decided to explore this hole before you came," explained Cap'n Bill; "but it's a dangerous place to navigate in the dark, so wait till I light a candle." "What is a candle?" inquired the Ork. "You'll see in a minute," said Trot. The old sailor drew one of the candles from his right-side pocket and the tin matchbox from his left-side pocket.