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His pa left plenty of money," sez she, "and a big fortune when he came of age, which he has spent in the foolish way I have told you of, or a great part of it." Well, at this juncture we wuz interrupted, and didn't resoom the conversation until some days afterwards, though I wuz dretful interested in the big manufactory of Robert Strong's, that big co-working scheme.

Also I drew other ones of various sizes, needless to recapitulate, for time is hastenin', and I have eppisoded too fur, and to resoom, and take up agin on my finger the thread of my discourse, that I dropped in the Methodist meetin' house at Jonesville, in front of the treasurer. Wall, Submit brought the plate.

"Land’s sake!" interrupted the fat lady. "Why don’t you kick?" Leander sighed softly. "I tried to once. As an experiment it partook of the trustfulness of a mule kickin’ against the stony walls of Badger Cañon. But to resoom about the difficulties that split the Dax family. Before Johnnie got mislaid in that matrimonial landslide o’ his, he herds with us.

And the family where she wuz took sick on their hands talked hard of suin' her for damage. For they wuz real smart folks, and had been makin' their calculations for over three years to go to the Fair, and had lotted on it day and night, and through her sickness they wuz kep to home, and didn't go to it at all. But to resoom.

But to resoom: We went to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where many different religious sects come to worship. The place where many think the body of our Lord wuz lain when he wuz taken down from the cross is covered with a slab worn down by the worshippers, and in the little chapel round it forty-three lamps are kep' burning night and day.

But I am a eppisodin', and to resoom and continue on. Wall! the dinner passed off perfectly delightful and agreeable. The children and Josiah eat as if Wall, suffice it to say, the way they eat wus a great compliment to the cook, and I took it so. Thomas J. wus highly delighted with his presents. Why, the cushion cost me above 60 cents, besides my work and the feathers.

Them lips could say very large words in every language under the sun; but they couldn't answer my baby's question, not one of 'em. But I am eppisodin' fearfully, fearfully; and to resoom. We left the children and the babe safe in their respective housen', and happy; and we went on placidly to Jonesville, got our usual groceries, and stopped to the post-office.

That his things were all in a mess, nothing packed or protected from moths, and that he himself was standing at a window looking out into the dark torrents of rain. At his feet was an old mackinaw. Martha picked it up and folded it. "Shall I resoom where you've left off?" she asked. "Please! But be careful of that coat." She began to bring order swiftly out of chaos. "Martha!"

Her stern mean softened; there wuz tears in her keen eyes; she looked different. Sez she, "Next Sunday I shall set under your preachin', Elder; I hain't felt like settin' under it before." And, sure enough, she did go to meetin' the next Sunday and from that day they have been the best of friends. But to resoom forwards: I had a letter from Philury, she said she wuz all well.

I felt real dyspeptic in my mind that night, and I felt that I had wandered out of the sweet, level paths of Moderation and Megumness that I love to wander in. But I am a eppisodin', and to resoom. It seemed as if the bed never felt so good to me as it did that night; and the pillers never felt so soft, and quiet, and comfortable.