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And I d'no what's goin' to be done. I guess them that don't believe in war must keep on givin' in their testimony, keep peggin' away at Public Opinion and constant droppin' will wear away stun. But to resoom backwards. We stayed so long in Japan that I couldn't devote so much time to France as I wanted to, for they too had a fine display.

I presume I could convince him if I had time enough, but we are busy creeters, Samuel and I, both on us, and Id'no as he'd have time to argy back and forth with me, but it would be well for him if he did, men must have wimmen advise 'em if they ever expect to amount to anything. But to resoom forwards.

'Tennyrate I hope we will be together wherever it is. But to resoom. There wuz the skin housen of the Indians from Mexico and the display of the Ainu tribes from Japan; red negroes from Central Africa, and all the Indian tribes left in North America, so fast meltin' away like the leaves of the forest before the march of winter.

Great great is the mystery of pardners. But to resoom and continue on. I was a settin' one day, after it wuz all decided, and plans laid on; I wuz a settin' by the fire a mendin' one of Josiah's socks.

But some of her property she had lost through poor investments and don't it beat all how wimmen do git cheated, and every single man she deals with a-tellin' her to confide in him freely, for he hain't but one idee, and that is to look out for her interests, to the utter neglect of his own, and a-warnin' her aginst every other man on earth but himself. But, to resoom.

And he had got so haughty over it, and had told of it so much, that I spoze he believed in it himself. Curius! hain't it? But I am a eppisodin', and to resoom. Trueman's wife would talk jest so, jest so haughty and high headed, about the world comin' to a end. She'd dispute with everybody right up and down if they disagreed with her and specially about that religion of hern.

He see her onbeknown to her one day, when she wuz a writin' a poem on one of the benches in the park. "A Poem on a Bench!" She wuz a settin' on the bench, and a writin' about it, she was a writin' on the bench in two different ways. Curius, haint it? But to resoom. He immegetly fell in love with her.

You went in at the end where they put the grain in, come out with the straw, and then got up in the thingumajig and let the hosses tred on you, didn't you, my son?" You can jedge by this what a disagreeable person I am when I'm angry. But to resoom about helth. I cum of a helthy fam'ly. The Wards has allus been noted for helthiness.

But I am hitchin' the horse behind the wagon and to resoom backwards. The Reunion wuz put off a week and the Suffrage Meetin' wuz two days away, so I told Lorinda I didn't believe I would have a better time to carry Serepta Pester's errents to Washington, D.C. Josiah said he guessed he would stay and help wait on Hiram Cagwin, and I approved on't, for Lorinda wuz gittin' wore out.

But to resoom. At each end of the Collonnade, peakin' up a little higher, is a sort of a round shaped buildin', beautiful in structure, where food can be obtained. And knowin' the effect on men of good food I knowed this wuz a sensible idea, for no matter how festivious a man may be, and probably is in Festival Hall, yet his appetite stretches out on both sides on him jest as it wuz depicted here.