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Updated: August 5, 2024

What use is there a-tryin' to drop 'em out of your own private collection of stuns? But to resoom. The Esquimos show forth some traits that are dretful interestin' to a philosopher and a investigator. They do well with what they have to do with. Now, no sewin' machine ever made finer stitches than they take on their sleepin' bags and their rain coats, etc.

I would gin a cent freely and willin'ly if I could a seen Robert stand there side by side with that old locomotive and the fastest lightin' express of to-day like seed and harvest with Josiah and me for a verdant and sympathizin' background. Oh, what a sight it would a been, if his emotions could a been laid bare, and mine, too! It would a been a sight long to remember. But to resoom.

Why, the minister up to Zoar had told me of as many as seven relations of hisen, who, when they wuz run down and weak, and had kinder lost their minds, had jest clung to them books. In softenin' of the brain now, or bein' kicked on the head, or nateral brain weakness why, them books are invaluable, so I spoze. But to resoom.

She immegiately rose to the top place in her gallery of perfect beings. Nothing wuz too good for her, no service she could render her wuz too hard, she almost soared up to that pinnacle on which her Prince Arthur dwelt. Dotie became her willin' adorer and Miss Huff couldn't do enough for her. But to resoom backward a little.

She is a lovely girl and would make a Christian minister's home in Loontown or any other town a blessed and happy place." I thought I wouldn't dast to do anything more than to give such a little blind hint. But to resoom. Folks seem to have a wrong idee about the education of the Japanese. There are twenty-eight thousand schools in Japan, besides the private and public kindergartens.

I guess that mine wuz more like Daniel's, though I can't tell, havin' never talked it over with Daniel. But to resoom. When we left the Electrical Buildin', it wuz so nigh at hand we jest stepped acrost into the Hall of Mines and Minin'. And it wuz dretful curious, wuzn't it?

And I knowed too that the ordinary food of ordinary mortals partook of under the full harvest moon of domestic comfort and contentment wuz not to be despised, though fur different. And the light fur different from the glow and the glamour that wropped them two together and all the rest of the world away from 'em. But I'm eppisodin' too much, and to resoom forward.

She said they'd be better off in Nonentity than here in this world with saloons on every corner, and war-dogs howlin' at 'em. I don't know exactly what she meant by Nonentity, but guess she meant the world we all stay in, before we are born into this one. Aunt Hetty has lost five boys, two by battle and three by licensed saloons, that makes her talk real bitter, but to resoom.

Why shouldn't they who more than half belong to the water-world once in a great while have a little taste of the good things of that world as well as to have 'em all devoured by the inhabitants of dry land? And they say that the seals eat sharks too I should think that that paid for all the good fish they eat. But to resoom.

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