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Even these papers seem thinner than of yore and they will only sell one book to a customer at that. Indeed Sherman was right." The youth and the girl remained occupied with their own thoughts, and after a moment's silence the vagabond resumed: "'Me? I was king of anywhere, "'Peggin' away at nothing, hard. "'Havin' no pet, particular care; "'Havin' no trouble, or no pard;

Shoes all made for him, no peggin' for other folks; carpets to walk on, sofas to lay on, china dishes to eat off of. Everything is all complete; don't make no odds if he's a fool, don't make no odds if he 'ain't no more sense of duty to his fellow-beings than a pig, it's all just as it should be.

"Go down there among them gorillas?" ejaculated Mrs. Klegg. "And John Morgan raiders," echoed Maria. "And Secesh soljers, butternut brigands, rebel rascals," added Tilda. "Well," answered Mr. Klegg, deliberately, "they've been peggin' away at Si for a good many months now, and they haven't killed him by a jug full. Guess I kin stand 'em for a few days.

Th' young la-ad comes fr'm home, where's he's paralyzed th' Lithry Society an' th' Debatin' Club, an' he loads himsilf up with a speech an' he says to himsilf: 'Whin I begin peggin' ar-round a few iv these vilets I'll make Ol' Hoar look like confederate money, an' th' pa-apers tell that th' Infant Demostheens iv Barry's Junction is about f'r to revive th oratorical thraditions iv th' sinit an' th' fire department comes up f'r a week, an' wets down th' capitol buildin'. Th' speech comes off, they ain't a dhry eye in th' House, an' th' pa-apers say: 'Where's ye'er Dan'l Webster an' ye'er Champ Clark, now? An' th' young man goes away an' has his pitchers took on a kinetoscope.

"The man's been sorry for't this mony a day," said Thomas; "sae we maunna come ower't again, Tibbie." "Verra weel, Thamas; I s' haud my tongue. What about the laddies?" "They war fechtin' i' the verra street; ruggin' ane anither's heids, an' peggin' at ane anither's noses, an' doin' their verra endeevour to destroy the image o' the Almichty it wasna muckle o' 't that was left to blaud.

Milbrey's burning eyes beheld him reach out for another slice of the cold, terrible mutton. "Life," said Milbrey, as he inflated his brandy from the siphon, "is an empty dream this morning." "Wake up then, old chap!" Mauburn cordially urged, engaging the game pie in deadly conflict; "try a rasher; nothing like it; better'n peggin' it so early.

"I never tasted anything sweeter in my life," said the Pooka, crunching it between his teeth, "and now if you can give me a sup of milk, I'll want for nothing." The huntsman's wife brought him a peggin of milk. When he had drunk it, "Now," says the Pooka, "go back to your beds, and I'll curl myself up by the fire and sleep like a top till morning." And soon everybody in the hut was fast asleep.

He looked very like peggin' out, and that's the truth. Howsomever, I hope for the best now." Marie said nothing, merely contenting herself with attending to his wants, which were numerous and frequent. "That God-forsaken place, Msala," said Joseph presently, "has been rather crumpled up by the enemy." "They have destroyed it yes?" "That is so. You're right, they 'ave destroyed it."

"Jog along, hoss," Rathburn crooned as he sped down the long slopes toward town; "maybe we're peggin' things wrong, an' if it turns out that way we've a powerful long ways to go." It lacked a few minutes of being two hours after midnight when he reached the Carlisle cabin. There he reined in his horse, dismounted in the shadow of the timber, and crept to a window.

"This is my only brother's blood. My boys are patriots by inheritance from two lines of ancestors; you will always stand faithful to your Mother Land as to me, your mother." "Have no fear for us, mother," said Tom. "The Morgans and the American flag stand or fall together." "Amen!" added the deep voice of the husband and father. "Peggin' away, all hands, eh?