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He seemed all right, but I was agen him being a swell, till me daughter threatened she'd run away with him if I didn't let her have him peaceful, an' rememberin' me own youth, I let her have him in spite of me misgivin's.

"Yes, he said somethin' to me about lookin' out for number one." "Did he? Humph!" The Captain's smile lost a little of its bitterness and broadened. He seemed to be thinking and to find amusement in the process. "What you grinnin' at?" demanded Phinney. "Oh, I was just rememberin' how he looked out for number one the first no, the second time I met him. I don't believe he's forgot it.

The Irish, above all people in the world, hates a traitor. You can't hold them back when a traitor of any kind is in sight and, rememberin' old Ireland, they take particular delight in doin' up a political traitor. Most of the voters in my district are Irish or of Irish descent; they've spotted "The" McManus, and when they get a chance at him at the polls next time, they won't do a thing to him.

Never pretended he didn't understand, but treated me like a lady. I couldn't never forget him. I kep' the piece o' paper he give me, mostly because it was somethin' belongin' to him an' it sort o' proved I hadn't dreamed him. I never meant to ask for no help but when I come here an' there wasn't nothin' else to do, I kep' rememberin' he said I was to go to his uncle an' say he'd sent me.

Only I chairge ye, be ceevil til him i' yer vera thouchts, rememberin hoo mony things ye hae dene yersels 'at ye hae to be ashamit o', though some o' them may never hae come to the licht; for, be sure o' this, he has repentit richt sair. Like the prodigal, he grew that ashamit o' what he had dene, that he gied up his kirk, and gaed hame to the day's darg upon his father's ferm.

It cost me eleven hundred dollars besides what Tommy said when I retired. I have no fault to find with your hereditary aristocracy, or your judiciary, or your press. 'Sunday we all went to Church across the Park here.... Psha! Think o' your rememberin' my religion! I've become an Episcopalian since I married.

Forget?" says I. "Say, Miss Vee, I'll keep right on rememberin' that spiel we had together until breathin' goes out of fashion and then some! Gee! but I'm glad you happened along!" "But how is it," says she, "that you " "Special commission," says I. "I'm waitin' here for Mr. Robert Ellins." "Oh!" says she. "And have you had some salad and sandwiches?"

"None of your business, Charley Long. I've got a date, that's all." "I'll make it my business. Remember that lah-de-dah bookkeeper rummy? Well, just keep on rememberin' him an' what he got." "I wish you'd leave me alone," she pleaded resentfully. "Can't you be kind just for once?" The blacksmith laughed unpleasantly.

"I ain't rememberin' that any ranch has cows that run the range unbranded; especially when the cow has got a calf, unless that cow is a maverick, an' that ain't likely, since she's runnin' with the Two Diamond bunch." He leaned forward, for the man had left the fire and was running toward the fallen cow.

And onct when Ella Stephens died over at Springfield, where she had been for some kind of a operation, you couldn't find out what, because nobody would say, he got up and said that God would forgive Ella and all of us should pray for her. Most of us cried, rememberin' Ella's red cheeks and how she used to laugh when she came in the schoolroom. She was about 16.