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We could'ner mak oot our reckonin'. Don't ye see, a voyage here is just like one at sea, only it be just the revarse. When men are starvin' at sea, they want to find land, but when they are starvin' in the desert they want to find water. The big nager, our captain, can navigate this sea in safety, we can't. We must let him take us to some port and then do the best we can to escape from him."

But 'e can't do nothin', because, ye see, sir, they keeps 'im in irons and locked up in 'is own cabin, 'cept when 'e was let out twice a day to take the sights and work up the ship's reckonin', and then either Turnbull or one of 'is gang was always alongside of 'im, and nobody else was hever allowed to go anigh 'im; whilst at other times when I was givin' 'im 'is meals, I mean either Pete Burton or one of the other chaps what was in with Turnbull was always about to see as 'e and I didn't 'ave no talk together.

"It does," responded Lance grimly. "Have you any other friends that come?" "Only the Postmaster at the Crossing." "The Postmaster?" "Yes; he's reckonin' to marry me next year, if I'm big enough." "And what do you reckon?" asked Lance earnestly.

I'm reckonin' on sendin' over to-night an' gittin' the Winn gals to come and see me and advise. Perhaps some on 'em may know of somebody that'll take me for what help I can give about house, or some clever folks that have been lookin' for a smart cat, any ways; no, I don't know's I could let her go to strangers."

What of Collie?" "Son, I've not got that far along in my reckonin'," replied Wade. "But for my sake think. If Buster Jack gets away with his trick if he doesn't hang himself by some blunder or fit of temper or spree what then of Collie?" Wade could not answer this natural and inevitable query for the reason that he had found it impossible of consideration.

"Here, Barney Scaddhan Barney, I say, what's the reckonin', you sinner? Now, Art Maguire, divil a penny of this you'll pay for you're too ginerous, an' have the heart of a prince." "And kind family for him to have the heart of a prince, sure we all know what the Fermanagh Maguires wor; of coorse we won't let him pay." "Toal Finnigan, do you want me to rise my hand to you?

"You'll be hitting the brimstone trail. But if you speak up, I'll keep you till the next bunch of mounted police come by." "Well, Gawd blime me, if this ain't a go! 'Ere I be, innercent as a lamb, an' 'ere you be, lost all o' your top 'amper an' out o' your reckonin', run me foul an' goin' to rake me into 'ell-fire. You bloomin' old pirut! You "

One thing, ye ain't never really intendin' to give up Molly Wingate! Ye're a fool not to marry her now, but ye're reckonin' to marry her sometime when the moon turns green, huh? When she's old an' shriveled up, then ye'll marry her, huh?" Banion only looked at him, silent.

"I reckon you'll jest hev to be patient fer a few days," said Roy, calmly. "It'll all come right in the end." "Roy! You've had this deal, as you call it, all worked out in mind for a long time!" exclaimed Helen. "Shore, an' I 'ain't missed a reckonin' yet." "Then what will happen in a few days?"

An' it's been runnin' up in money ever since. When he got it he kinder figgered 'twould be an investment somethin' like one of them twenty-year endowments, an' that for nigh onto a quarter of a century Minnie wouldn't need much of anything else. But his reckonin' was agog. It's been nothin' but that black satin all his married life.