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Here is 2d. for you in gold o' the purest water. Go thou an' carry it to Our good friend Missis Pengelly, who will doubtless reckernise and exchange it in peppermint cushions. Which was too thin. So we were forced to beat him till the truth came out. An' then he brought us here, an' showed what he'd a-found: an' with the furnitcher movin' an' mother so busy, 'Bert and I managed the rest.

'You was made the recipient of sentiments which emanated' that's the way to talk to 'em in public life. I can reckernise the lingo, though I couldn' manage it for worlds, an' don't know as I want to try." "Troy is my native town, you see," explained Cai, drinking encouragement. "An' a rattlin' fine one, too!" Tobias halted in front of a wall letter-box. "Look at that, now!

"He's here, Tom," announced Grinaldi, shoving the boy forward. "What's he doing in that costume?" demanded the owner, dropping the flap and staring hard at the boy. "His clothes were wet. Besides, if they come botherin' around back 'ere, Tom, they won't be so likely to reckernise him in these "

"'I mean the fits, ses I, looking at 'im very steady, 'It's no good looking hinnercent like that, 'cos I see yer chewing soap with my own eyes. "'Soap, ses Joe, in a nasty sneering way, 'you wouldn't reckernise a piece if you saw it. "Arter that I could see there was nothing to be got out of 'im, an' I just kept my eyes open and watched.

"Ain't got any," says the old man ag'in. "Yes, you 'ave, Thomas," says Walter, with a kind smile; "I could tell you one you've got." Thomas shut his eyes at 'im and began to talk pitiful about 'is money and the 'ard work 'e'd 'ad saving of it. And by-and-by 'e got worse, and didn't reckernise us, but thought we was a pack o' greedy, drunken sailormen.

There was no one near to observe and liken her, standing there with blown tresses and wind-wrapt skirt on the edge of Ocean, to the fairest among goddesses, the Sea-born. She walked up the beach, the old man beside her. "Ay: you reckernise the taste of it, I dessay. But you'd not come back to it, not you. . . . It must be nigh upon dinner: my belly still keeps time like a clock.

'You've clean forgotten me, said one who had an awful air of darkness about him; 'and no wonder, because you never saw me properly. On Sundays, when I was nicely washed up you couldn't 'ardly reckernise me. Nachural 'nuff, too! He shot by like a shadow, then pulled up a window with a rattle, popped his dirty head out, and called back thickly as if his mouth was full of smoke or pudding:

"He won't reckernise me, I suppose?" The invalid reclined in a posture between lying and sitting, his back propped with pillows, his eyes turned with an expressionless stare towards the harbour.

"Steady on!" "Well, 'familiar' is too strong a word, as you say. 'While this lady, with whom you're all acquainted, presents the gallant winner with a cup, value Five Pounds, which you may have reckoned as an igstravagance when you heard I was the donor, 'but will now reckernise as a sprat to catch a whale that is, unless you're even bigger fools than I take ye for.

The footsteps drew nearer, paused, and after a moment were audible again in the yard below. "Good Lord it's Gavel!" "Eh?" The boy drew closer to her shoulder. "It's Gavel, come in a sweat for 'is 'orses. I didn' reckernise 'im for the moment dressed out in a fur coat an' Trilby 'at. But it's Gavel, an' 'e's walkin' straight into Glasson's arms. Stand by to do a bolt soon as 'e turns the corner."