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Berry added, that she was not a "luggage-woman" "There used to be a train at seven o'clock," Austin remarked, consulting his watch. The two women were silent. "Could you get ready to come with me to Raynham in ten minutes?" Austin looked as if he had asked a commonplace question. Lucy's lips parted to speak. She could not answer. Loud rattled the teaboard to Mrs. Berry's dropping hands.

Austin Wentworth was staying at Poer Hall, and had only come over for an hour. At midnight the house breathed sleep. Sir Austin put on his cloak and cap, and took the lamp to make his rounds. He apprehended nothing special, but with a mind never at rest he constituted himself the sentinel of Raynham.

Larkspur dragged from his capacious carpet-bag the delicate little garments of lawn and lace which had been worn by the cherished heiress of Raynham. Ah! who can describe the anguish of the mother's heart as she gazed upon those familiar garments, so associated with the form of the lost one? "Well," gasped Honoria, "go on, I entreat! She told you the child had been there. But with whom?

Half-hidden by the foliage of a little thicket of pollard oaks, there was a military band, whose services Sir Oswald had obtained from a garrison-town some twenty miles from Raynham, and the stirring music added much to the charm of the festival. Lydia Graham was as happy as it is possible for any evil-minded woman to be.

We'll start for Devonshire together by the first coach that leaves London to-morrow morning." Black Milsom, otherwise Mr. Maunders, kept a close watch on Raynham Castle, through the agency of his friend, James Harwood, whose visits he encouraged by the most liberal treatment, and for whom he was always ready to brew a steaming jorum of punch. Mr.

Once having decided that the letter, purporting to be written by Lady Eversleigh, was a forgery, he could not doubt that it formed part of some plot against the household of Raynham Castle. To Captain Copplestone, who knew that the life of his friend had been sacrificed to the dark plottings of a traitor, this idea was terrible.

"I don't know; but you must know, as well as I do, that the note will be waste-paper so long as my uncle lives." "I do know that, my dear Reginald; but I got you to date the document as you did, because I have a kind of presentiment that before that date you will be master of Raynham!" "You mean that my uncle will die within the year?" "I am subject to presentiments of that kind.

"Do you not know the reason, Carrington?" asked the baronet, gazing fixedly at his companion. "How should I know anything about it?" "Because to-day's work has been your doing," answered Reginald, passionately; "because you are mixed up in the dark business of this day, as you were mixed up in that still darker treachery at Raynham Castle.

It gave to Lionel and Douglas Dale property worth ten thousand a year. It gave to Reginald a small estate, producing an income of five hundred a year. To Captain Copplestone the baronet left a legacy of three thousand pounds, and an antique seal-ring which had been worn by himself. The old servants of Raynham were all remembered, and some curious old plate and gold snuff-boxes were left to Mr.

She's one who can't think of herself." "You've seen her at Raynham, Rip?" "Yes, once. They asked me down. And your father's so fond of her I'm sure he thinks no woman like her, and he's right. She is so lovely, and so good." Richard was too full of blame of himself to blame his father: too British to expose his emotions. Ripton divined how deep and changed they were by his manner.