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The story of the elopement had been fully discussed on the previous day at the "Hen and Chickens," and everywhere else in the village of Raynham. The country gossips shook their heads over Lady Eversleigh's iniquity, but they said little. This new event was of so appalling a nature, that it silenced even the tongue of gossip for a while.

The wise youth's dull life at Raynham had afflicted him with many peculiarities of the professional joker. "Oh! the Spring! the Spring!" he cried, as in scorn of his sallies they exchanged their unmeaning remarks on the sweet weather across him. "You seem both to be uncommonly excited by the operations of turtles, rooks, and daws. Why can't you let them alone?"

"Don't lose a minute in getting a change of horses. I am going back to Yorkshire." The intimacy with the household of Raynham Castle, begun by Mr. Maunders at the supper in the servants'-hall, strengthened as time went by, and there was no member of the castle household for whom Mr. Maunders entertained so warm a friendship as that which he felt for Matthew Brook, the coachman.

He will return in two or three days, and then they will both come to me at Raynham." Mrs. Berry took the tips of his fingers, and went half-way to the floor perpendicularly. "He pass her like a stranger in the park this evenin'," she faltered. "Ah?" said the baronet. "Yes, well! they will be at Raynham before the week is over." Mrs. Berry was not quite satisfied.

That's where 'tis. But I an't a blackguard. Tell him that, sir!" This was how it came that Austin eyed young Richard seriously while he told the news at Raynham. The boy was shy of Austin more than of Adrian. Why, he did not know; but he made it a hard task for Austin to catch him alone, and turned sulky that instant.

Benson knew whither he went, and the object he went for. It was a woman that was enough. The Saurian eye had actually seen the sinful thing lure the hope of Raynham into the shades.

Ha! here comes some one on horseback. It is a gray horse; it is William. 'Come to look for us, said Lily. 'Oh, Redgie! 'Coming home from Raynham, said Reginald. 'Do not fancy yourself so important, Lily. William, is that you? 'Reginald! exclaimed William, suddenly checking his horse. 'Lily, what is all this?

I have confided my secret to you, Jane Payland, because I think you are faithfully devoted to my interests. You know now why I am resolved to remain at Raynham Castle; and you think my decision wise, do you not?" "Well, yes; I certainly do, my lady," answered Jane, after some moments of hesitation. "And now leave me. Good night! I have kept you long this evening, I see by that timepiece.

People said the baronet carried the principle of Example so far that he only retained his boozing dyspeptic brother Hippias at Raynham in order to exhibit to his son the woeful retribution nature wreaked upon a life of indulgence; poor Hippias having now become a walking complaint.

Previously the offended father had condescended to inform his son that it would shortly be time for him to return to his wife, indicating that arrangements would ultimately be ordered to receive her at Raynham.