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But if your love is so big an' true as all that if you want her t' be a wife t' you why in the 'tarnal didn't ye speak out an' tell her so?" "I'll go and tell her so this minute." "Y' can't! She's gone t' Bronx Park with that b'y, 'n' won't be back all day." "Damn!" exclaimed Ravenslee. "Sure!" nodded Mrs. Trapes. "Keep on, it'll do ye good.

Trapes actually blenched before the glare in his eyes that was so strangely at odds with his soft, lazy tones. "And that ends it!" he nodded. "Mrs. Trapes, I've made up my mind!" "What about?" "Mr. M'Ginnis. I'll begin to-day." "Begin what?" "To prepare myself to bestow on him the thrashing of his life!" So saying, Ravenslee stretched lazily and finally got up. "Good morning, Mrs.

"Old Un, of course I have! You see, I don't like clews, or blood, or the police. You have all been clever enough, wise enough to keep this confounded business quiet, and so will I " "But, oh, Guv, arter somebody tryin' t' kill ye like a dog ain't there goin' t' be no vengeance, no gallers-tree, no 'lectric chair nor nothin' " "Nothing!" answered Ravenslee gently.

You you caught my brother, didn't you?" she went on breathlessly; "he had broken in was burgling your house, wasn't he wasn't he?" "How in the world," began Ravenslee, flinching, "who told " "He broke into your house to steal, didn't he didn't he?" "But, good heavens that was all forgotten and done with long ago!

Why, Hermione oh, my love, what is it?" and he would have caught her to him, but she held him away and questioned him, quick-breathing: "You are Geoffrey Ravenslee the millionaire aren't you?" "Why er I I'm afraid I am," he stammered. "I'm sorry you found it out so soon, dearest; I wanted to tell you after we " "Oh, why didn't you tell me before why didn't you? No please wait!

Ravenslee." "Then may I beg that you'll allood to him 'enceforth as Young Har? This is Young Har's own room, sir. These is Young Har's own picters, sir. When Young Har is absent, I generally sit 'ere with me cigar and observe said picters. I'm fond of hart, sir; I find hart soothing and restful. The picters surrounding of you are all painted by Young Har's very own 'and subjeks various.

"Lucky it didn't go off," said Ravenslee, smiling grimly at the revolver he held, "others might have heard, and, Mr. Flowers, I want to be alone with you just a little longer.

Ravenslee leaned from the window of his room to observe the view, which consisted chiefly of dingy brick walls and dingier windows, swaying vistas of clothes in various stages of dampness, clothes that fluttered from many lines stretched across the court, from window to window, at different altitudes; for to-day it had been washing day in Mulligan's; also the evening was warm. So Mr.

But suddenly the quiet was rent and shivered, and Spike, deafened by the report, glanced up to see Ravenslee rise to his feet, stagger forward blindly, then, with arms outflung, pitch forward upon his face and lie there. "By God, you you've shot him, Bud!" he whimpered, "you you've killed dear old Geoff oh, my God!"

"Why oh, Lorgorramighty, you don't mean t' say as this ain't 'im? Why, 'e 's confessed, Guv; I 'eard 'im!" Ravenslee smiled gently and shook his head again. "But he has been sick, Old Un; he was hurt, you know, when he saved my life." "But, Lord, Guv, if 'e 's confessed " "He has been sick, Old Un, and when we are sick the wisest of us are apt to say silly things even I did, so they tell me."