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That cushion rather astonished Rose; in fact, the whole table did, and she was just thinking, with a sly smile, "Uncle is a dandy, but I never should have guessed it," when he opened the door of a large closet, saying, with a careless wave of the hand, "Men like plenty of room for their rattle-traps; don't you think that ought to satisfy me?"

At noon we heard the king approaching with his drums and rattle-traps, but I still waited on till 5 p.m., when, on summons, I repaired to the throne-hut. Here I heard, in an adjoining court, the boisterous, explosive laughs of both mother and son royal shouts loud enough to be heard a mile off, and inform the community that their sovereigns were pleased to indulge in hilarity.

''Tis only one o' them tin Turkish rattle-traps, said Bill with a pitying air. 'The old man'll slap a tin fish into her afore she knows what's hit her. As he spoke, the engines were already quickening, and G2 had begun to glide away at the top speed of her powerful electrics. The deep hum of the dynamos filled the long interior, and on every face was a look of eager expectancy.

One would have thought that, on these new waters, such craft as there were must necessarily be new also. Such does not appear to be the case, however, for the steam service on the Waitemata and the Kaipara is conducted by very second-hand old rattle-traps. Where they were worn out I know not.

I'm not ready to bite off my own fingers, or kick all the rattle-traps over and leave them, as I am when Miss Winter scolds me, or nurse, or even Flora sometimes; but it is as if I was gratifying him, and his funny little old bachelor tidyisms divert me; besides, he teaches me the theory, and never lays hold of my poor fingers, and, when they won't bend the wrong way, calls them frogs."

"Labor hatory, sir! why don't you say windmill?" "Because it has been made into an observatory, laboratory, and workshop all in one," said Tom, rather stiffly. "Just as you like, Master Tom; but you may take the sails off, and the fan, and put all the rattle-traps in it you like, but it can't make it anything but what it was born to be, and that was a windmill." "Well, we won't argue," said Tom.

If you were fifty times worse than you are, I should let you go all the same. Put on your bonnet and shawl, and come along. I'm a disgrace to myself and a warning to others that's what I am. No luggage, mind! Leave all your rattle-traps behind you: to be overhauled, if necessary, at his honor the admiral's discretion.

The old woman who was in charge of it slept in a settle-bed, among broken stools, old sacks, rotten chests and other rattle-traps, in the small room at the rear of the house, floored with tiles. At what time of the night she could not tell, she awoke, and saw a man, with his hat on, in her room.

I certainly never saw such rusty old rattle-traps, and I do not except the king's equipage, since the hackney landaus have been abolished in England.

"They shall not wait for me," said Lord Glenvarloch; "but I have some things to carry with me." "Ay, ay no man will take a pair of oars now, Jack, unless he means to load the wherry like a six-horse waggon. When they don't want to shift the whole kitt, they take a sculler, and be d d to them. Come, come, where be your rattle-traps?"