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Updated: August 14, 2024

"She's oop to no good anyhow, bad cess to the ould thafe, as sure as eggs is mate; an' may I niver ate a pratie ag'in if I'm tellin' a lie sure, for I misthrusts them Malay raskils jist as the divil hates howly wather!" "But I allers heard them Malay chaps are awful cowards," said Adams, continuing the conversation.

"And the crew?" said Eve, wincing under Captain Triggs's figurative language. "Awh, the crew's right enuf a set o' gashly, smudge-faced raskils that's near half Maltee and t' other Lascar Injuns. Any jail-bird that flies their way 'ull find they's all of a feather. But here," he added, puzzled by the event: "how's this that you'm still mixed up with Adam so?

Replacing them, he gazed intently into the grave countenance of his friend till he had finished speaking. "Are zee raskils near?" he asked, sternly. "No. We have come on many days ahead of them. But we found a party at the river's mouth awaiting their arrival." "Ant zey cannot arrife, you say, for several veeks?" "Probably not even though they had fair and steady winds."

For some time they rode together in silence; but Quashy, who had overheard, the conversation, and was of a remarkably combative disposition, though the reverse of bad-tempered or quarrelsome, could not refrain from asking "W'y de Guv'mint not hab lots ob sojers an' pleece in de mountains to squash de raskils?"

Shure an' it's when the raskils come after me an' Cal Conner the moment it was talked around that we had sold our Cow; then sez I, it's gittin' onraisonable, an' them divils shorely seems to know whin a wad o' money passes." "That's the gospel truth. But when wuz you robbed, Granny?" "Robbed? I didn't say I wuz robbed," and she cackled.

"Said he heard about the robbery," came over the wire in Officer Green's ponderous tones; "and the fact of the raskils skipping out with the Carberry boy's biplane, as soon as he put foot ashore; and thinking that the police might like to know what he had seen, he just ran all the way here."

I haven't kild enny rebbles yet. I hain't even seen one except a fiew raskils that was tuk in by the critter soljers, they calls em cavilry. Me and all the rest of the boys wants to hav a fite, but it looks like Ginral Buil was afeared, and we don't git no chance. I axed the Ordly couldn't he get me a furlow. The Ordly jest laft and says to me, Si, says he, yer don't know as much as a mule.

Replacing them, he gazed intently into the grave countenance of his friend till he had finished speaking. "Are zee raskils near?" he asked, sternly. "No. We have come on many days ahead of them. But we found a party at the river's mouth awaiting their arrival." "Ant zey cannot arrife, you say, for several veeks?" "Probably not even though they had fair and steady winds."

It would certainly have been impossible to recognise him as Anderson Crow. In truth, no one could safely have identified him as a human being. "I'm goin' after them raskils," he announced to Andrew Gregory and the whole family, as he came down late to take his place at the head of the supper table. "Ain't you goin' to let 'em show here, pop?" asked Roscoe in distress. "Show here?

"If any of them raskils comes dodgin' 'round here let's try 'n' have the first crack at 'em 'n' git the bulge on the rest o' the boys!" Keenly alert, with muskets loaded and capped, they crept carefully along, poking their noses into every thicket and peering around every building.

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